I have just pushed out v1.20.787 of wp-SwimTeam. This release fixes a pretty serious bug in the Jobs module. If Jobs were assigned using the Swim Meets tab, other jobs could potentially be unassigned, possibly even from prior seasons. Hopefully my own team was the only one affected by this problem. The WordPress Plugin repository has been updated as has the Download & Installation page.
Category Archives: Release
wp-SwimTeam v1.19.783 released
This afternoon I released an update to wp-SwimTeam. This latest update continues work on the new Event Model. Events can now be imported from a Hy-tek Events File (.hyv) and connected to a swim meet. I also made a number of GUI improvements to fix flow control and be more intuitive. Other changes include:
- Fixed wp-SwimTeam so it will work in sub-directory installations and WordPress multi-site.
- Added new option to toggle message verbosity. Some actions generate numerous messages, this option will reduce and summarize messages.
- Fixed Event Opt-In/Opt-Out which was broken with Event Model changes in v1.18.
- Added ability to load Meet Events from an Event Group into a swim meet.
- Fixed broken GUI controls for Events (expand, collapse, page forward and back).
- Tightened up flow control between Event Groups and Events and Swim Meets and Events.
- Changed buttons on for some actions (events, swim meets) to return to a logical place. “Back” and “Home” didn’t really mean anything in most cases. In particular, “Back” has been a reliability challenge so in most cases it has been eliminated.
- Fixed several bugs in report generator which manifested themselves when User or Swimmer optional field count was set to zero.
- Fixed bug which resulted in broken Opt-In and Opt-Out actions on the drop down lists.
- Fixed bug which incorrectly entered Opt-In/Opt-Out information in Stroke format even when set for Event Mode.
This update is available now from the WordPress Plugin Repository or from the Download and Installation page. Existing users should see an update notification appear on the WordPress Dashboard.
If you run into any problems, please let me know and I will try and fix them ASAP. We’re gearing up for swim team season so I am actively engaged in adding features and fixing bugs right now. My next effort, which I’ve already started, is what I refer to as Phase 3 of the new Event Model which will provide the ability to export a Meet Entries file accounting for scratches and/or registrations which can be loaded directly into one of the various Swimming applications (e.g. Hy-tek, WinSwim, and others).
wp-SwimTeam v1.19 beta available for testing
I flew out to Phoenix and back this week and had some airplane time to work on wp-SwimTeam. I have completed what I am calling “Phase 2” of the Event Model changes. Events can now be assigned to a swim meet AND the Opt-In/Opt-Out system is working in the Event Mode (which I had broken in v1.18).
The majority of the work in this build is related to Events and their connection to swim meets which is the precursor to Phase 3 which will be the generation of Meet Entries in SDIF format that can be imported into tools like MeetManager and WinSwim. I have also fixed quite a few bugs in the report manager which were present when either the User or Swimmer option count was set to zero. There was some logic that didn’t test right and would result in using the default count which is 5. So if you have seen checkboxes without labels on the User or Swimmer report generator, this has been fixed.
Please let me know if you run into any issues. I am doing some testing with our team right now and we have our pre-season open house this weekend which tends to result in a good chunk of our registrations. Assuming all goes well, I’ll release an update to the WordPress repository early next week if not sooner.
[download#14#image]wp-SwimTeam v1.18.747 released
This afternoon I released v1.18.747 of wp-SwimTeam. This release includes what I am calling Phase 1 of the new Event Model. The event model has been completely overhauled in anticipation of being able to generate Meet Entry files in SDIF format directly from wp-SwimTeam. The whole Events tab looks and works differently. Events are collected into what I call Event Groups. This release adds the ability to import events from a Hy-tek Events File (.hyv). Events are managed (added, deleted, imported, re-ordered, etc.) within the context of an event group. In Phase 2 events will be connected to a swim meet via an event group although the swim meet will still retain the ability to re-order the events on a meet by meet basis.
Key features in this release are:
- Phase 1 of overhauled Event Model is complete. The new Event Model introduces the concept of Event Groups. Events are now defined in the context of an Event Group. Swim meets currently do not have any connection to Events but that will chance in a release fairly shortly in Phase 2.
- Added ability to import events from a Hy-tek Events File (.hyv) into an Event Group.
- Added ability to delete all events from an Event Group.
- Changed Google Maps API Key from required to optional. If the API key hasn’t been entered, wp-SwimTeam will now gracefully work without it.
I changed a lot of code in this release, if you run into anything odd or functionality that isn’t working or behaves differently, let me know ASAP and I’ll do my best to fix it quickly. Now that I am back to a stable code base I should be able to turn bug fixes pretty quickly. That is hard to do when you’re doing a bunch of remodeling!
This release has been committed to the WordPress Plugin Repository so you should an update notification on your Dashboard. You can also download it and manually update it from the Download & Installation Page.
Edit (4/16/2012 @ 10:07 AM): This update includes a database update so you must de-activate and re-activate the plugin after updating to have the database upgrade run. One of these days I’ll figure out a more elegant way to do this!
Update to wp-SwimTeam v1.17.707 required for any v1.16.x installation
If you updated to any of the wp-SwimTeam v1.16.x releases you must update again to v1.17.707. I inadvertently introduced a bug which prevented almost all of the registration (season, swim meet, etc.) actions. I quickly fixed this bug once I became aware of it, I apologize for any inconvenience.
wp-SwimTeam v1.16.704 now available
This morning I posted an update to wp-SwimTeam.
This release fixes a couple more places where the first and/or last name should appear but was being displayed as “N/A”. It turns out I had re-used the same code which I had fixed a couple weeks ago in some other spots so the problem was the same. This time I fixed it by moving the solution down into a parent class and eliminated a bunch of redundant code. Hopefully it is gone but there is an outside chance I missed one.
Anyone who has used wp-SwimTeam may recall that the actions used to be buttons across the bottom of the widget I frequently use to display data. This worked well until I had more actions than I had room for buttons. My solution was to move the actions into a drop down list and many of the tabs used this model. This release reconciles the inconsistencies so all tabs now use the drop down action model.
I have started work on some of the event changes I have posted about, hopefully I’ll have some new functionality in the next week or so.
phpHtmlLib v2.6.3.3563 released
This evening I released a new version of the phpHtmlLib plugin which wp-SwimTeam depends on. This update addresses a number of PHP5 deprecated function warnings which are commonly seen when running under PHP5 with E_STRICT set. I also fixed an icon bug which appeared on the GUI widget used across wp-SwimTeam when there was no data to display.
The update also removes the documentation and examples from the version of the plugin hosted in the WordPress plugin repository since they are only useful for developers. A full version of the plugin including documentation and examples can be downloaded from the Download & Installation page.
wp-SwimTeam v1.14.674 now available
I have addressed the bug which slipped through the last build and released v1.14.674. There was a situation when querying for a users first name or last name against a username where the first or last name didn’t exist, the WordPress API returned an empty array and sometimes returned a one element array containing an empty string. I am not sure if this is due to different versions of PHP or some other nuance but this update correctly accounts for both situations. The bug manifested itself as a warning from the phpHtmlLib plugin (which wp-SwimTeam depends on).
The update should appear in the WordPress Dashboard shortly and is available now from the Download Page.
wp-SwimTeam v1.13.669 available
This afternoon I posted an update to wp-SwimTeam. You can get v1.13.669 from the download page or update from the WordPress plugin repository (recommended). This update fixes several bugs:
- First and last name were displayed as “N/A” on the Users list on both the Swim Team tab and the Manage tab.
- The default values for “State or Province” and “Postal Code” were not stored correctly so in a new installation, the registration form would not work until these fields were set in the Options.
- Removed borders from sections of the Options->Swim Team form that were used for debugging the form layout and had inadvertently been left behind. Some other minor tweaks to the layout were also made.
- Rudimentary 3.3.1 testing has been performed.
The update is already in the WordPress plugin repository so you should see notification on your Dashboard soon.
WordPress 3.2 compatibility?
The simple answer is: I don’t know. Usually I try to at least smoke test wp-SwimTeam before a new release of WordPress goes out but I haven’t gotten to it yet for 3.2. We’ve had two swim meets in a row postponed due to weather which means all of the pre-work has to be done twice. Bleh. Tonight’s forecast doesn’t look much better either. I will try and run some tests before the end of the week but for now I recommend staying on 3.1.4.