WordPress Google Forms v0.94-beta-1 available

I have just posted a beta build (v0.94-beta-1) of WordPress Google Forms.  This build introduces a new solution for calculating the CAPTCHA.  There have been a number of concerns about the use of the PHP eval() function and recently, an alternate solution has been posted to the WordPress Support Forum.  I have adapted the proposed solution to the plugin.

This build also addresses a concern about possible security issue with the user-agent string stored when logging submissions.  It is technically possible for a malicious user to encode the user agent string with malicious code.  This update ensures that data is sanitized before storing and presenting it.

Google Forms Beta (49100 downloads )

Swim Team v1.42-beta-6 available

This morning I have posted a new build, v1.42 beta-6 of the Swim Team plugin.  This beta release makes a major change to how the plugin includes the various files the plugin uses.  Historically, Swim Team modified the PHP include_path as part of the initialization to include the paths where included files are expected.  In newer versions of PHP this seems to cause some problems for some users.

I have changed the plugin to eliminate the need to modify the PHP include_path however the process of doing so required touching almost 100 files within the plugin.  I have been through all of the menus and tabs and believe I found accounted for every file which included but there is always a chance I have missed something.

Please report any problems and I will do my best to fix it quickly.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (15549 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v1.42-beta-3 available

This afternoon I released beta-3 for wp-SwimTeam v1.42.  This builds adds a new option to allow control of the temporary storage used when exporting data to use outside of WordPress.  For now, this new functionality is limited to Roster Export only however if it works, I’ll do it for everything.


Historically wp-SwimTeam has used PHP’s temporary file facility to store the constructed export data and it then sends it to the browser for download.  In a few corner cases, it appears the server configuration won’t allow doing this so I have added a new option to use WordPress transients as temporary storage.  It is a little slower than using temporary files so be patient for the download dialog box to display.  I am hoping this is a viable solution and will allow users who run into this issue, which I assume is security related, to use wp-SwimTeam.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (15549 downloads )