wp-SwimTeam v1.30.906 addresses entries export bug

In the processes of getting ready for our first meet I found some swimmers who had scratched still appeared in the entries SDIF file.  Odd, this isn’t supposed to be.  Looking into the problem I found that only Freestyle was being processed correctly, all other strokes were not being recognized for Opt-In or Opt-Out.

I have fixed this bug and uploaded a new version as well as pushed it to the WordPress plugin repository.

wp-SwimTeam v1.29.903 now available

I have just pushed out v1.29.903 of wp-SwimTeam.  This update addresses a couple of bugs, notably with the Job Commitments report, and adds some new functionality.

New in v1.29:

  • Fixed bug which prevented the Job Commitment report from running correctly.
  • Fixed bug which caused “$credit” to appear in the CSV version of the Job Committment Report instead of the actual number.
  • Added new option to set initial value on swimmer labels with numeric sequences.
  • Fixed bug with SDIF profile when Geography was set to US which resulted in a broken form.
  • Elimited some debug code which generated output when exporting entries.

Also included in this build are all of the changes included in the v1.28 beta release which I never formally made available.

  • Added button to Swim Team User Profile form to quickly open user’s WordPress User Profile form.
  • Tidied up several of the reports to make them consistent. Each should now display the HTML report on screen when exporting another format.
  • Re-implemented download solution for actions which generate downloadable files (e.g. CSV, SDIF, etc.)
  • Phase 1 of Hy-tek HY3 export support. Roster can be exported in HY3 format which imports into Hy-tek Team Manager.
  • Fixed bug which enabled job signup for all users regardless of setting on Jobs Options tab.

This update has been committed to the WordPress Plugin Repository and should appear on your WordPress Dashboard shortly and is also available from the Download and Installation page.

WordPress Google Form v0.30 now available

Similar to yesterday’s update, today I pushed out wpGForm v0.30.  This version  addresses an unusual problem which prevents the custom confirmation CSS from loading properly.

In some cases, it appears that a plugin or theme, through the use of a filter (likely the_content or wpautop), was inserting paragraph tags into the content which by itself isn’t a problem, however when enabled, wpGForm adds a custom CSS block to style the form during processing, so the CSS definition portion of the content ended up with paragraph tags in it.  This results in CSS which won’t parse correctly and of course it never styles the form.  I have updated the plugin to generate the CSS definition as a single line of text where it previously spanned several lines for readability purposes.

The update should appear on your Dashboard shortly and is also available from the WordPress Plugin Repository.

WordPress Google Form v0.29 now available

Today I pushed out wpGForm v0.29.  This version adds one new feature and addresses an unusual problem which prevents the custom confirmation page, either AJAX or redirection, from loading properly.

In some cases, it appears that a plugin or theme, through the use of a filter (likely the_content or wpautop), was inserting paragraph tags into the content which by itself isn’t a problem, however wpGForm adds a jQuery script to the content during processing, so the jQuery script portion of the content ended up with paragraph tags in it.  This results in Javascript which won’t parse correctly and of course it never runs.  I have updated the plugin to generate the jQuery script as a single line of text where it previously spanned several lines for readability purposes.

Based on several requests, I have added a new short code attribute, sendto=<email address>, which when used in conjunction with email=’on’, will send a form submission note to the specified email address instead of the blog administrator (who is still bcc’d for backup purposes).

The update should appear on your Dashboard shortly and is also available from the WordPress Plugin Repository.

Two Minute Setup Guide

I don’t have much documentation for wp-SwimTeam.  It is on my to-do list but I haven’t made it a priority.  When I first started the plugin, there were not a lot of options and capabilities but that has changed over the past three years.  I get a few questions each week on where to start in order to use the plugin.  Today I wrote up a quick summary of the steps necessary to get wp-SwimTeam setup and usable.

I also frequently get asked about the various short codes available to put swim team information in posts and on pages.  I’ve started adding more information to the Demo site so the syntax of the short codes is clearer.  See this post as an example of the various ways a Swim Meet schedule can be displayed.

  1. Two Minute Setup Guide
  2. Demo wp-SwimTeam Site


wp-SwimTeam v1.25.865 now available

This afternoon I released an update to wp-SwimTeam.  This update, v1.25.865, fixes a number of issues and adds some new features.  Key in this build are a number of fixes to allow wp-SwimTeam to work under WordPress Multi-Site.

  1. Fixed issue with missing users when running under Multi-Site.
  2. Fixed User Drop Down select lists to work when running under Multi-Site.
  3. Fixed display of swim meet date in several locations eliminating PHP warning message.
  4. Updated SDIF profile success message presentation.
  5. Added support for Swimmer Labels in SDIF Roster export.
  6. Added support for Swimmer Labels in SDIF Meet Entries export.
  7. Fixed default sort order on Age Groups so it is predictable.

The new build replaces the latest beta release and is available from the Download page and from the WordPress plugin repository.

wp-SwimTeam v1.25 beta release

I have made an early release of wp-SwimTeam v1.25 available for download.  This new version addresses a number of issues when running wp-SwimTeam under WordPress Multi-Site.

Update 5/10/2012 @ 23:16:  I have updated the 1.25 beta release, fixing a number of issues where PHP warning were issues due to passing the wrong format of the date to strtotime().  I have also fixed a few other minor issues with the various Options forms so they work consistently across all forms.

Download:  [download#14]

Please give it a shot and let me know if you run into any issues.

wp-SwimTeam v1.24.846 now available

This afternoon I posted an update to wp-SwimTeam.  This release, v1.24.846, addresses a couple of issues.

  1. In ability to add a new season to a new installation.  Made it kind of hard to get started!  This bug was introduced when I added action checking and the action checking on the Seasons had a flaw in it.
  2. Added B1 and B2 records to the SDIF export of Meet Entries.  These records are required and I had simply overlooked them.  The Meet Entries successfully import into WinSwim, I hope to validate with Team Manager in the next day or two.

WordPress multi-site is not functional at this time.  I’ve been alerted to a bug which I am chasing which prevents the Users from being displayed.  Access to the user tables is critical and multi-site handles it differently than regular WordPress does so I need to account for it.

Suppressing White Space

One of the more common questions I receive is with respect to extra white space on a Google Form. Sometimes the rendering of the form within WordPress is significantly different than it appears within the Google Docs context and people want to know why and more importantly, how to fix it.

Fortunately Google Forms have lots of CSS classes so in all of the cases I’ve seen so far, I’ve been able to help the person solve their white space problem by adding CSS definitions to their custom wpGForm CSS settings to achieve the result they wanted.

The two most common problems I’ve seen so far are extra margin and/or padding on paragraph <P> element and/or <BR> element.  Another situation which I ran into recently involved a theme adding a <BR> element after every <P> element.  This was an unusual situation but I suspect not all that uncommon.  How would this happen?  A theme can define something called the_content filter which will modify the content of a page or post before it is rendered and in this particular case, the filter appended  a <BR> element at the end of every P element!

Fixing White Space Problems

So how do you fix these problems?  Extra padding or margin for the <P> and <BR> elements can be tweaked using the following CSS:

div.ss-form-container p { margin: 0px; }
div.ss-form-container br { margin: 0px; }
div.ss-form-container p { padding: 0px; }
div.ss-form-container br { padding: 0px; }

You may not need all four directives, in fact, in most cases you won’t but it might take a combination of the four to achieve the desired results.

Suppressing Extra <BR> Elements

What do you do if you encounter a situation like described above where the theme is adding extra <BR> elements or you simply don’t want them?  Again, CSS can be used to solve the problem.

div.ss-form-container br { display: none; }

This CSS will essentially prevent the browser from rendering the <BR> elements within the form.  They will still appear in the source HTML but they have no effect because they are not displayed.

I recommend using FireBug to help chase down CSS issues.  It is what I use when looking into problems people have asked me to look at.