I have just pushed out v1.29.903 of wp-SwimTeam. This update addresses a couple of bugs, notably with the Job Commitments report, and adds some new functionality.
New in v1.29:
- Fixed bug which prevented the Job Commitment report from running correctly.
- Fixed bug which caused “$credit” to appear in the CSV version of the Job Committment Report instead of the actual number.
- Added new option to set initial value on swimmer labels with numeric sequences.
- Fixed bug with SDIF profile when Geography was set to US which resulted in a broken form.
- Elimited some debug code which generated output when exporting entries.
Also included in this build are all of the changes included in the v1.28 beta release which I never formally made available.
- Added button to Swim Team User Profile form to quickly open user’s WordPress User Profile form.
- Tidied up several of the reports to make them consistent. Each should now display the HTML report on screen when exporting another format.
- Re-implemented download solution for actions which generate downloadable files (e.g. CSV, SDIF, etc.)
- Phase 1 of Hy-tek HY3 export support. Roster can be exported in HY3 format which imports into Hy-tek Team Manager.
- Fixed bug which enabled job signup for all users regardless of setting on Jobs Options tab.
This update has been committed to the WordPress Plugin Repository and should appear on your WordPress Dashboard shortly and is also available from the Download and Installation page.
I am getting the below error when I updated to the newest version
Warning: The wp-SwimTeam plugin database version is incorrect (v0.85 vs. v0.86). Please notify the web site administrator.
This means you need to deactivate and then reactivate the wp-SwimTeam plugin. The re-activation runs the database upgrade. Off the top of my head I don’t recall what features I added which caused the database change but updating the database is necessary for the plugin to work correctly.