TwentyEleven Child Themes

Yesterday I was perusing one of the WordPress feeds that I follow and saw a mention of WordPress and Responsive design.  In a nutshell, Responsive Design means that the theme will work well on a variety of displays from large screens to laptops to Tablets (e.g. iPad), to SmartPhones (e.g. iPhone).  Since I own both an iPhone and iPad, I was intrigued by the presentation.

I haven’t had time to watch the whole video yet but later in the day I started playing around with a TwentyEleven child theme thinking it might be a good basis for a new Soccer Team site I am playing around with. I had planned to use Thematic but the more I think about it, the more I want to make sure that whatever I do will be easy to keep up to date and actual be a minimal amount of code.  A TwentyEleven child theme may just be the ticket.

While there is a lot to like in TwentyEleven, I really dislike the way the header is constructed.  So far it doesn’t look like it is easily overridden with filters and hooks either.  I hope I am wrong but that is my perception after looking through some code and several Google searches.

Read-Only Google Forms?

This morning I added a new feature to my WordPress Google Form plugin.  You can now set a form to be ‘read only’ using the readonly=’on’ attribute in the shortcode.  This option, when turned on, use a little snippet of jQuery to disable all of the form elements.

[gform form='<long_url_to_your_google_form>' readonly='on']

I suspect your immediate reaction to this is “why would I want my form to be read only?” and it is a logical reaction.  After all, the whole point of creating a form is to collect data right?  The purpose of some forms, in fact I’d bet it is the case for most forms, is to collect data for some period of time and after a certain point (e.g. 5:00 PM on October 31), there is no reason to collect data any longer.

Imagine a sign up sheet for working the snack bar at your local High School football game.  Once the game has happened, there is no value in letting people sign up any more.  The readonly option will allow you to retain the form as part of your WordPress web site while preventing the collection of any more data.

I need to do little more testing before I release an update but so far, it looks pretty good!

Note:  The more I think about this, I may want add an expire option after which the form will automatically become read only.

Hiding bullets on a Google Form

Because the multiple choice fields on a Google Form are rendered as an unordered list (with a UL tag), by default, the form will appear like this:



Add this CSS to either the theme or via the wpGForm custom CSS settings:>ul li {
    list-style-type: none;

After adding the above CSS it will appear like this:

Hopefully this will help you make your Google Forms look the way you want within WordPress!

7/4/2012 Update:

Based on a couple examples I’ve looked at for wpGForm users, I have updated the CSS to specifically select the <li> item and remove the bullet.  This should be much more reliable than applying it at the <ul> parent element.






How to have a Meta Box appear before the Visual Editor

I am working on a new theme where I have defined a Custom Post Type.  This is my first time working with Custom Post Types and I must say they are pretty slick.  I wish they had existed back when I first started working on my Swim Team plugin!  I have far too much invested in my Swim Team plugin so I’ll stick with the custom database tables but for this new project, CPTs are working great.

Once I got my CPT defined and basically working, I wanted to add some custom fields to it using a Meta Box.  There are numerous articles that outline how to do it, I referenced this one quite a bit and found it very helpful.  In my instance, the Meta Box that holds all of the custom fields I want to collect is more important that the Visual Editor is so I wanted it to appear higher on the screen.

After poking through the Codex and number of Google searches, it appears that doing what I want to do isn’t native WordPress functionality.  I did however find this post which outlines an idea for moving the Meta Box so it appears on top of the Visual Editor.  Awesome.  Exactly what I was looking for. Except the code fragment didn’t work.  After looking at it, I decided the idea was sound but the implementation wasn’t correct or at least wasn’t correct in my application.

I tweaked the Javascript to make sure the document was ready before rearranging the Meta Box and Visual Editor and got the result I was looking for.  Here is the code I am using in my functions.php file.

 * Set up a footer hook to rearrange the post editing screen
 * for the 'CPT' custom post type.  The meta box which has all
 * of the custom fields in it will appear before the Visual Editor.
 * This is accomplished using a simple jQuery script once the
 * document is loaded.
function CPT_admin_footer_hook()
    global $post ;

    if (get_post_type($post) == 'CPT')
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        $('#normal-sortables').insertBefore('#postdivrich') ;
    }) ;


/**  Hook into the Admin Footer */

Hiding a Google Form’s Title

Since a WordPress page or post will have a title, there is a good chance the Google Form’s title is redundant.  If hiding the title from the Google Form is desired, the easiest way to do it is with CSS.  The title on a Google Form is an H1 element  which is assigned the class ss-form-title.  To hide the title, we add the following CSS to either the theme’s CSS or to the CSS overrides available with the WordPress Google Form plugin’s setting menu. {
    display: none;

Using my Sample Form, here are the results of adding this CSS to the plugin settings.

Form before adding CSS

Adding CSS to wpGForm settings



Form After Adding CSS

WordPress Google Forms include quite a few CSS classes so using this technique, the appearance of the form can be customized quite a bit.

Support for multi-page Google Forms?

I received an email the other day about my WordPress Google Form plugin wondering whether or not it should work with multi-page Google Forms  It hadn’t even occurred to me to test it as none of the forms I had needed myself were multi-page forms but my gut reaction was I didn’t think it would work.

I took a look at a multi-page Google Form and have determined that the current (v0.10) version of the WordPress Google Form plugin (aka wpGForm) will not work with multi-page forms.  No real big surprise but I want it to be clear before someone else wastes their time trying to make it work.

From looking at the form code it may be possible to support multi-page forms in the future but it will require some additional jQuery scripting and more importantly, some time to dedicate to it.  I hope to look at this soon but I have a couple of WordPress theme projects that I need to get off my plate before I can go back to wpGForm.

My Windows Home Server is driving me crazy

About a year ago after a catastrophic data loss from my wife’s computer (which I’ll admit was largely my fault for not having a recent backup) I bought a Windows Home Server.  I have the HP EX490 and when I first set it up, did everything it was advertised to do flawless.  The setup was simple, setting up backups of all of our computers (6 of them) just worked, I had a ton of storage where I could put photos and videos – life was good from a home IT perspective.

I am not exactly sure when but several months ago I realized I was no longer able to connect to my WHS using the Windows Home Server Connector client.  This was annoying but not a complete show stopper as I was able to login via Remote Desktop Connection and everything looks pretty good.  Backups were still running, I was still able to access the shared drives normally, etc.  Just the WHS Connector wasn’t working.

Earlier this week my wife was telling the “backup disaster” story to an acquaintance and I decided to check and make sure everything is a-ok.  Much to my chagrin, it isn’t a-ok.  About two weeks ago backups stopped running! My WHS can’t seem to see all of the clients even though they are all on the same sub-net.  Every computer on the backup list is greyed out like it is offline.

I am having a real hard time finding any information online to help me sort this out and it is driving me crazy.  As best I can tell the first problem started when I switched from Time-Warner Cable Internet to AT&T Uverse.  I am not sure why this would matter since all of the PCs are still behind a router but I can’t think of anything else.  I also installed the McAfee anti-virus that comes on the HP WHS – maybe that has something to do with it as I had not installed it originally when I set it up.

I am running out of ideas – I really don’t want to reinitialize the whole thing again as I have a lot of data on the shared drives that I’d have to “park” somewhere until it was set up again.

WordPress Google Form v0.10 released

Yesterday I committed the final changes (and still missed a few typos – ugh) to the WordPress plugin repository.  The v0.10 release addresses the problems with required fields on a Google Form.  I’ve heard from several people who’ve told me this fixes the problems they were seeing but if you run into something, add a comment here and I’ll do my best to take a look at it.

Note:  I’ve also changes the beta download link to resolve to the WordPress download so the beta is no longer available.

WordPress Google Form beta update

This morning I fixed a bug which occurred when the default CSS was not enabled (which it isn’t by default).  When the default CSS was not enabled, the jQuery Validation plugin wasn’t loading and then the jQuery script that initialized the validation would fail.

If you downloaded the beta prior to 10:00 EDT on 10/7, you should download it again and re-install.


Form Validation Working!

I have required field form validation working.  I haven’t released it yet but in my testing, it appears to catch all of the fields I defined as required.  WordPress Google Form incorporates the jQuery Validation plugin.

When a page loads, the jQuery script runs and scans the Google form for required fields.  For each required field it finds it adds the gform-required class to the input or textarea tag.  When the validator runs, it looks for fields which have the gform-required class and if any are empty, a label is added with the gform-error class.

The gform-error class is defined in the default CSS to display the text in red and float it to the right of the input.

As can be seen in the image, if there isn’t enough room to the right of the field, the error will be shown just below it.  As with most CSS solutions, there are a bazillion ways to customize the output, I have elected to use something real basic and let the plugin user add more CSS if desired.

If you would like to try this early release of the plugin and give me some feedback, you can download it here.  The version in the WordPress repository is still the older v0.9 release.
