I am in a bit of a quandry because I mushed my phone, a Pantech Duo. About a week ago I had two of my girls and one of their friends with me on a hike through the Haw River Basin. The water was up a bit so it was a lot of stepping from rock to rock as we moved down stream and it was slicker than snot. Keeping two 8 year olds and a 6 year old from falling in was a challenge and at one point, I lost my footing and fell in the river, landing on a large submerged rock. Fortunately my fall was broken by my phone which was in my pocket!
It doesn’t work very well any more. Actually, it turns on but the screen is cracked and it was full of water. Fortunately I have an older Audiovox SMT 5600 (aka HTC Typhoon, an older Windows Mobile phone) which still works so I popped my SIMM card out and put it the old phone and was off an running. I love the simplicity of changing GSM phones – I have some co-workers who swear by Verizon but the flexibility you get with GSM is a huge benefit plus my phone works pretty much anywhere on the planet which is nice since I have to travel internationally a couple times a year.
So now what do I do? I miss the keyboard from the Duo more than I thought I would and my old phone is very sloooooooow. The phone I want (Sony-Ericsson Xperia X1) isn’t out yet and I don’t know if will be available from AT&T Wireless either. Hmmm – I wonder if I can return my phone? I can’t recall if we have insurance on our plans or not.