This evening I posted beta-7 of Swim Team v1.42. This build addresses a problem reported earlier today. This bug manifested itself when there isn’t an active season which would be the case when the plugin is first installed. It is also possible to set all seasons inactive in which case, the same problem was present.
[download id=’14’]
I am getting the below error
Form Errors
Please review the following error(s) below.
Hy-tek Event File
Invalid header record encountered in Hy-tek Event File on line 1.
Hy-tek Event File
Error: Invalid number of fields in Header Record, found 3, should have 11
What do the first 2-3 lines of the HYV file look like?
By any chance are you trying the load a Hy-tek EV3 file instead of a Hy-tek HYV file? The plugin only supports the HYV event file format.
Error happen with both formats
If you want to send me the HYV file I can take a look at it. You can send it to mpwalsh8 at gmail dot com.
Out of Shape Meet / YMCA Virtual Invitational;10/19/2014;10/19/2014;10/19/2014;Y;East Stroudsburg University;;Hy-Tek Sports Software;4.0Eh;CN;7175t
This HYV sample imports correctly when I import it into events but I running my development version. Can you try using the v1.42 beta release (see this post) and let me know if you have the same issue? To use the beta release you need to deactivate and delete the existing plugin (leave phpHtmlLib alone) and then upload the zip file in the post above using the “upload” option on the “Add New Plugin” page.
Still the same error
Form Errors
Please review the following error(s) below.
Hy-tek Event File
Invalid event record encountered in hy-tek event file on line 2.
Hy-tek Event File
Error: Age range (3-125) in Event Record does not match any ‘Female’ age groups.
Here is the meet event file
How do you have your age groups sets up? In order to define an event for females ages 3-125, you would need an age group defined for the same age range.