Google Forms v0.67 now available

This morning I released a very minor update to Google Forms.  In the process of verifying that I fixed the form submission log I found a typo in one of the internationalization strings and some debug code which was still enabled.  Neither issue would cause the plugin to fail but I went ahead and fixed both and released an update.

Google Forms v0.66 available

This evening I released v0.66 of Google Forms.  This version fixes two major issues:

  1. The conflict with WordPress SEO has been resolved.  The implemented solution will likely be replaced with something which runs less frequently.  However, the solution implemented in v0.66 should make sites running both Google Forms and WordPress SEO a little happier.
  2. Due to a bug, all form submissions have been logged regardless of the plugin setting.

You can find the update on the WordPress plugin repository or on your Dashboard.

Google Forms v0.66-beta-2 available

I have been working on resolving a plugin conflict between WordPress SEO and Google Forms.  Based on some help from the WordPress SEO plugin author I have made some small changes to Google Forms which I believe will alleviate the conflict.

I am looking for people who’ve been dealing with this problem to test this out, if you have a few minutes, please download this beta and give it a run through.

Google Forms Beta (47712 downloads )

Google Forms v0.65 finally released

This morning I released v0.65 of Google Forms, a long overdue update.  I have been sitting on this release for a while because of one outstanding issue I was aware of which I simply haven’t had time to chase down.  The ability to email the end user upon form submission broke at some point, I am not exactly sure when but it has been reported a few times recently.  It turns out, it only worked if email to the admin was also enabled.

Here are the highlights from the Change Log:

  • Implemented “save_post” for custom post type eliminating general purpose “save_post” (only option prior to WordPress 3.7) action which could potentially, if not handled correctly by another plugin, corrupt post data.
  • Formally deprecated the gform shortcode by updating README file.
  • Added flush of rewrite rules upon plugin activation and deactivation.
  • Implemented protocol relative URLs for loading jQuery script from Microsoft CDN to avoid mixed-content warnings when serving over https.
  • Fixed layout of CAPTCHA options on settings page.
  • Fixed bug with preset values as part of the URL which contain spaces.
  • Fixed bug sending End User email upon form submission.
  • Refactored construction of email headers based on experience with Email Users plugin.

You can find the update in the WordPress plugin repository or on your WordPress Dashboard.