This morning I released v0.65 of Google Forms, a long overdue update. I have been sitting on this release for a while because of one outstanding issue I was aware of which I simply haven’t had time to chase down. The ability to email the end user upon form submission broke at some point, I am not exactly sure when but it has been reported a few times recently. It turns out, it only worked if email to the admin was also enabled.
Here are the highlights from the Change Log:
- Implemented “save_post” for custom post type eliminating general purpose “save_post” (only option prior to WordPress 3.7) action which could potentially, if not handled correctly by another plugin, corrupt post data.
- Formally deprecated the gform shortcode by updating README file.
- Added flush of rewrite rules upon plugin activation and deactivation.
- Implemented protocol relative URLs for loading jQuery script from Microsoft CDN to avoid mixed-content warnings when serving over https.
- Fixed layout of CAPTCHA options on settings page.
- Fixed bug with preset values as part of the URL which contain spaces.
- Fixed bug sending End User email upon form submission.
- Refactored construction of email headers based on experience with Email Users plugin.
You can find the update in the WordPress plugin repository or on your WordPress Dashboard.