By the Skin of My Nose


I haven’t posted about any of my travel in a while but I finally have something worth posting about and it isn’t even a rant!  I re-qualified for United Gold status this week.  I had concluded I was going to come up short so it was a pleasant surprise when I checked my account and saw that I had crawled over the 50k mark by 12 miles!  Who-hoo!  I still like American Airlines better than United but my travels recently are served better by United so I expect I’ll continue to fly them as my primary carrier.


WordPress Google Form v0.46 beta 9 available

I’ve updated the beta version of WordPress Google Form v0.46 this morning to beta-9. This beta update adds a significant new feature and one that has been requested a number of times: The ability to require an email address from the person filling out the form is now possible through a setting on the Google Form custom post type (this is not available through the old gform short code).

I would encourage migrating to the new short code and defining forms with the Google Forms Custom Post Type UI as that is where I am adding new functionality.  The way I added the User Email option should also allow me to allow form specific validation rules (e.g. URL required).

Download the beta release and please let me know if you run into any issues.

Google Forms Beta (50191 downloads )

WordPress Google Form v0.46 beta 8 available

I’ve updated the beta version of WordPress Google Form v0.46 one more time to beta-8 and made it available for download from this site. This beta update fixes a redirect problem when using the original “gform” short code. It was not present when using the new “wpgform” short code. I would encourage migrating to the new short code and defining forms with the Google Forms Custom Post Type UI.

Download the beta release and please let me know if you run into any issues.

Google Forms Beta (50191 downloads )

WordPress Google Form v0.46 beta 7 available

I’ve updated the beta version of WordPress Google Form v0.46 yet again to beta-7 and made it available for download from this site. This beta update adds a new settings on the plugin settings page to control the timout value for the WordPress HTTP API. Increasing the timeout appears to help with very large Google Spreadsheets.

Download the beta release and please let me know if you run into any issues.

Google Forms Beta (50191 downloads )

WordPress Google Form v0.46 beta 6 available

I’ve updated the beta version of WordPress Google Form v0.46 to beta-6 and made it available for download from this site. This beta update addresses some typos which caused problems when running with debug enabled and temporarily increases the HTTP_API timeout to 15 seconds to chase down a suspected problem with very large Google Spreadsheets. If increasing the timeout works then I will add another setting to the plugin to allow this to be changed on a per site basis.

Download the beta release and please let me know if you run into any issues.

Google Forms Beta (50191 downloads )