WordPress Google Form v0.41-beta available

This afternoon I made a beta version of WordPress Google Form v0.41 available for download from this site. I have not posted this version to the WordPress plugin repository yet as I’d like to get some additional testing done on it before doing so.

There are a could of significant new features and a few bug fixes in this version.

  1. Simple CAPTCHA!  You can now add a  simple math based CAPTCHA to a Google Form to help prevent SPAM form submissions.
  2. Improved support for multiple forms on one page.
  3. The return of jQuery validation for required fields.  This validation is optional but since I used the same jQuery plugin to implement the CAPTCHA solution, I figured I may as well make it available for required field validation again.  It works the same way it did in the initial plugin implementation until is was removed with the support for multi-page forms.
  4. New Debug options on a separate Settings tab.
  5. Several more bug fixes, notably for custom CSS prefixes.

Download the beta release and please let me know if you run into any issues.  You can see an example of the CAPTCHA and new Validation options on my Test Bed Form.

Google Forms Beta (46897 downloads )

7 thoughts on “WordPress Google Form v0.41-beta available

  1. Great stuff Mike. I am looking forward to using it. 😉

  2. Hey Mike,
    What good work. I downloaded the v0.41-beta, but cannot figure out how to activate captcha… What am I missing? Thank you.

    J R

  3. It’s not working on my post. I’ve placed captcha=’on’ in a couple different places in the shortcode, with no results.

    URL to form: http://amerserv.net/innovations/form-02-w-captcha/

    Shortcode: [gform form=’https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dE4xak1kbkFfZlNpOFBIV0hCRWRVZXc6MQ’ confirm=’http://msn.com’ legal=’on’ br=’on’ email=’off’ style=’redirect’ unitethemehack=’on’ captcha=’on’]

    • If you look closely at your shortcode you’ll notice there are different quotes around on for the captcha attribute than the other attributes. Edit your post and delete the single quotes which are there and then re-enter them and I suspect it will work correctly.

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