This afternoon I fixed a couple of minor bugs and pushed out v1.34.963. The primary new feature in this release is the ability to export Meet Entries to Hy-tek Team Manager. I have had lots of requests to support Hy-tek over the years so I am happy to say I can finally support it!
As anyone who has read my postings over the past few years knows, I am no fan of Hy-tek. Between the closed data format and the awful user interface, it amazes me that their products have become the defacto standards for Swim Team and Swim Meet management but they have. If you want to play in this space you need to interface with Hy-tek. Fortunately some smart guys decoded the HY3 checksum and through lots of experiments some other people have figured out the HY3 file format so building on the work of others, I can now export a roster and meet entries in HY3 format.
I would appreciate feedback in this area as I have tested what I can but there is no such thing as too much testing and I may not have envisioned every scenario. There is also a very strong possibility that some of the fields in the HY3 format may not be in the right place or contain the right data.
I also fixed a number of issues when browsing Parents, Swimmers, and the Roster where the Search function wasn’t working correctly. Most of these problems were due to the SQL changes I made to address performance issues but a couple of them were due to allowing search against fields which are computed as opposed to extracted from the database.