Gearing up for Swim Team 2012

It will be summer swim team season before I know it so it is time to start gearing up for the upcoming season.  I haven’t really looked at wp-SwimTeam since last fall and WordPress has had several updates since then. I found out today that one of the updates causes the “real name” for the users not to be returned so that is first on my list of things to fix.  There are also some GUI inconsistencies that I’d like to fix.

This is my short list of items which I want to implement this season:

  1. New/update Swim Team theme.  This really isn’t related to wp-SwimTeam per se but our site is looking a little dated and it is time to freshen it up.
  2. Results Import:  I said I was going to do this last season and I never finished it.  I really want to get this done this year.
  3. Export of Meet Entries:  The wp-SwimTeam plugin has all of the informtation (roster, scratch list, event list, etc.) to generate a Meet Entries file in SDIF format.  Providing this file will greatly simplify getting a team’s entries into either Hy-tek or WinSwim (or any other tool which imports meet entries).  This will likely be first on my list after fixing the name bug and the GUI inconsistencies.
  4. Document all of the short codes on the wp-SwimTeam demo site.  I really need to do this.  It would make it much easier for new people to pick up the plugin and do something useful with it quickly.

4 thoughts on “Gearing up for Swim Team 2012

  1. Hi mike could you send me a working sdif file that imports into the hy-tek MM program? I’m having a devil of a time getting one to work. A functional one would give me an idea where I’m going wrong.

    • What sort of SDIF file do you want to import? Despite what Hy-tek’s documentation states, they don’t support the full SDIF specification, just a subset of it and even that subset is not fully supported. For example – Meet Manager will not import the Heat and Lane assignment from a Meet Entries SDIF file. Hy-tek doesn’t view this as a bug either! I’ve also seen Meet Manager be very picky about line endings. Where did the SDIF file you’re trying to import come from? It is possible that the line endings (which you can’t really see when you look at the text file) are confusing Meet Manager. If you’re going to work with SDIF files I recommend using SDIF Checker from WinSwim. I find it very useful and worth every penny of the $20 I paid for it.

  2. Hi Mike.
    Currently not live on our site, but I’m getting it ready on a test machine, and quite excited by the prospect.

    I keep having the following error appear “Google has disabled use of the Maps API for this application. The provided key is not a valid Google API Key, or it is not authorized for the Google Maps Javascript API v2 on this site. If you are the owner of this application, you can learn about obtaining a valid key here:“, which I believe is being caused by the Google Maps URL features in wp-SwimTeam (I have akismet, wp-SwimTeam, and phpHtmlLib plug-ins installed). I’m using WP 3.3.1-0 from BitNami.

    • Even on a development machine you will need to request a Google Maps key (which you can do for http://localhost/) to prevent this message from occurring. I should probably have an option to turn off this feature in the event it isn’t wanted or needed or not make requests if the field is blank. I’ll look into this.

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