Sandbox-LEGO theme v3.0.368 available

After updating my Sandbox-SwimTeam theme, I turned to my Sandbox-LEGO theme.  Like Sandbox-SwimTeam, Sandbox-LEGO is built on top of Sandbox and shares quite a bit of the same feature set and code.  Once I updated Sandbox-SwimTeam, migrating the same changes over to Sandbox-LEGO was pretty straightforward.

If you have a LEGO web site, this a great theme for you!  You can see this theme in action on my web site (although I don’t do much with LEGO any more).  You can download the theme from the Sandbox-LEGO theme page.

Unlike the update to Sandbox-SwimTeam, this theme update will retain your settings even so you don’t have to re-enter them.  I need to migrate this same logic back to Sandbox-SwimTeam too now that I’ve figured out a solution I am happy with.

Sandbox-SwimTeam theme v3.0.360 available

It has been a while since I touched my Sandbox-SwimTeam theme but with Swim Team season gearing up, it was time I did some maintenance as I had put it off last season.  A lot has changed in WordPress since I originally put this together almost four years ago.

I have just released v3.0.360 of the theme which you can download from the Sandbox-SwimTeam theme page.  This update has a lot of bug fixes, most of which bring it update to date with WordPress 3.3.  The big new feature is support for WordPress Navigation menus.

Important:  You will need to re-enter your theme settings!  The way theme settings are stored is different from the original implementation and there is much more checking done now.  The theme now properly  uses the WordPress Settings API.

I had wanted to build a new theme for our Swim Team this season but time to do so is elusive.  I’ve decided to do a short term fix and update Sandbox-SwimTeam which will give me some breathing room to work on a new theme over the next few months without impacting the swim team adversely.

WordPress Google Form v0.24 fixes UTF-8 bug

Recently a couple people have reported problems with international (or UTF-8) characters. The UTF-8 characters were not being passed correctly from the form on the WordPress site on to Google. I had planned to look into the problem this coming weekend but a wpGForm user ( beat me to it and has provided the fix (thank you very much!).

I have incorporated the fix and tested it and was able to submit a couple Spanish words that have UTF-8 characters. The update should appear on your Dashboard shortly.

wp-SwimTeam v1.14.674 now available

I have addressed the bug which slipped through the last build and released v1.14.674.  There was a situation when querying for a users first name or last name against a username where the first or last name didn’t exist, the WordPress API returned an empty array and sometimes returned a one element array containing an empty string.  I am not sure if this is due to different versions of PHP or some other nuance but this update correctly accounts for both situations.  The bug manifested itself as a warning from the phpHtmlLib plugin (which wp-SwimTeam depends on).

The update should appear in the WordPress Dashboard shortly and is available now from the Download Page.

wp-SwimTeam v1.13.669 bug

There is still a bug I missed in the first nane / last name section of the code which I updated yesterday.  If you haven’t already updated, I recommend holding off until I fix this other problem.  I hope to have a fix available in the next hour or two.  The bug manifests itself in a PHP warning from the phpHtmlLib plugin but that is not where the source of the problem is.

wp-SwimTeam v1.13.669 available

This afternoon I posted an update to wp-SwimTeam.  You can get v1.13.669 from the download page or update from the WordPress plugin repository (recommended).  This update fixes several bugs:

  1. First and last name were displayed as “N/A” on the Users list on both the Swim Team tab and the Manage tab.
  2. The default values for “State or Province” and “Postal Code” were not stored correctly so in a new installation, the registration form would not work until these fields were set in the Options.
  3. Removed borders from sections of the Options->Swim Team form that were used for debugging the form layout and had inadvertently been left behind.   Some other minor tweaks to the layout were also made.
  4. Rudimentary 3.3.1 testing has been performed.

The update is already in the WordPress plugin repository so you should see notification on your Dashboard soon.

WordPress Google Form v0.23

This evening I released v0.23 of my WordPress Google Form plugin. This update fixes a situation where CSS declarations were output as plain text as part of the form. I believe the cause of this was due to an appearance theme for the form being specified in the Google Form Designer. The update should roll out via the WordPress Dashboard Update failrly soon.

WordPress Google Form update – v0.22

Yesterday I received a report from someone using WordPress Google Form that their checkboxes weren’t working. This was very confusing to me because last weekend I spent a bunch of time fixing and testing the checkbox problem.

It turns out the jQuery script which fixes the checkboxes to work with PHP was never running. Why wasn’t it running? Because jQuery wasn’t ever loaded. Why wasn’t jQuery loaded? Because wpGForm never loaded it! It turned out the website which reported the problem was using a theme that doesn’t use jQuery and therefore never loaded it.

Well the WordPress Google Form plugin, which needs jQuery, didn’t load it either. I (and I can only assume other people) was never seeing a problem because either the theme or another plugin was loading jQuery.

The v0.22 update corrects this problem which was somewhat of a corner case, but a problem none the less.

WordPress Google Form minor update – v0.21

This morning I have updated WordPress Google Form and fixed a number of documentation problems and added one minor new feature.  While I am not a big fan of Javascript Alerts, I had a request to allow a message to be displayed upon successful form submission.  I have added a new parameter (alert=’message’) to the gform short code to enable this new functionality.

[gform form='' confirm='http://localhost/?page_id=435' alert='You da man!']

The new release should appear in the WordPress repository immediately and as Dashboard update fairly soon.