I have just uploaded v0.1.375 of the wp-SwimTeam plugin to the downloads page. This build fixes an issue with swimmers who have birthdates in close proximity to the age cutoff AND they are at the maximum age. The calculation of the “adjusted” age was incorrect in some cases resulting in swimmers not being able to be registered.
In addition to fixing this problem, I added some additional error checking and validation around swimmer birthdates and registering for an active season. The Add Swimmer capability now includes an “override” to allow swimmers who are too old to be added to the database. This is being done to support team records, which likely has swimmers who have long since aged out of swim team.
This build also fixes an issue with database queries that appears from time to time when a large number of swimmers was in the database. The query infrastructure has been improved to leverage the existing WordPress query structure.
There were also a few more UI clean up changes.
This build has not had an extensive amount of testing but I believe it is an improvement over the last build. I hope to get some solid testing in tonight using a dump from the MacDolphins database.