I have encountered a problem running wp-SwimTeam under WordPress 3.0.4 on the MacDolphins web site which causes pages to not load completely. I am not sure what the problem is yet but it seems to be related to another plugin as it doesn’t happen on the wp-SwimTeam Demo site. It is most evident from the Swim Team -> Users tab where the page content is simply blank. I hope to have a resolution to the problem in the next day or two.
Tag Archives: Bug
Enhanced Calendar broken
There is a CSS bug with Enhanced Calendar that I need to resolve. I hope to have an update posted in the next day or two.
wp-SwimTeam v0.2.503 released
This morning I finally had some time to track down the bug that was manifesting itself on the User tab on the Report page. This was a tricky one to find as it worked fine in my development area but not for our own swim team site (MacDolphins.org).
It turns out that if you had the right combination of user options turned on and they were Yes-No options, the filters were not being created correctly which resulted in the form not being displayed for the user. While tracking this down I also realized that the filters only worked for Yes-No options and not for No-Yes options which they should have been. So that has been corrected too although now that I think about it, the fix probably wasn’t applied to the Swimmer Report, only the User Report.
I have posted v0.2.503 which is available from the download page. I strongly encourage anyone using wp-SwimTeam to upgrade as this bug could be a PITA!
Bugs and WP 3.0.1 testing
I have finally had some time to do testing against WordPress 3.0.1 and in the process, I have ran into a couple bugs that I need to fix. So far I haven’t found any issues running against WP 3.0.1 itself, the things I’ve run into would be an issue with any version of WordPress. These are known issues:
- Critical: Adding a Season will fail with an error regarding an Unsupported Action. This failure is due to a typo in a constant. I am not aware of a work-around.
- Critical: The Users tab on the Manage menu yields a blank screen. The cause is unknown and I am not aware of a work-around.
I hope to have these bugs fixed later this week and fully qualify WordPress 3.0.1.
wp-SwimTeam v0.2.488 – bug for scratches
There was a bug in the scratch process where if you started on the Meets tab when the Scratch action was selected, there was not a list of swimmers presented for the user to scratch. When starting on the Roster page and selecting a swimmer to scratch did work properly. The bug has been fixed and v0.2.488 is now available for download and both paths, starting with a meet or starting with a swimmer, now work correctly. The same bug would have affected Opt-In meets as well.
wp-SwimTeam v0.2.488 – bug for scratches
There was a bug in the scratch process where if you started on the Meets tab when the Scratch action was selected, there was not a list of swimmers presented for the user to scratch. When starting on the Roster page and selecting a swimmer to scratch did work properly. The bug has been fixed and v0.2.488 is now available for download and both paths, starting with a meet or starting with a swimmer, now work correctly. The same bug would have affected Opt-In meets as well.
Early WordPress 3.0 testing
WordPress 3.0 is expected to be out sometime in May. I figured I ought to do some basic testing to see if changes to WordPress would have any significant impact on wp-SwimTeam.
I have a Linux Virtual Machine which I have set up such that I can always run the bleeding edge of WordPress – right out of the Subversion repository. When a new version of WordPress is ready to come out I update my Linux VM with the current state of WordPress and the current state of wp-SwimTeam and run some tests.
I started doing this a couple weeks ago and got busy and never finished it. This morning, I got back to it. It turns out, it didn’t run very well. Both wp-SwimTeam and phpHtmlLib plugins were calling deprecated WordPress functions. In releases prior to 3.0, there were no warnings about calling a deprecated function but 3.0 has a new warning feature. The way it is implemented, the warnings actually caused a failure with phpHtmlLib which resulted in WordPress not successfully loading.
I have fixed the problems in both plugins and committed the changes. However, I have not released new builds yet so until I do, I advise sticking with the 2.9.x release of WordPress. I expect a new build later this week at the latest.
wp-SwimTeam v0.1.456 now available
Quick turn-around on a release as there was a bug which was really bothering me. The Opt-In/Opt-Out report was pulling swimmer label from the active season regardless of which season a meet was created against. This was fine for the current season but messed up reports from any prior season.
The report now pulls swimmer labels from the season that the meet is created against so looking back a a report from last season or two seasons ago will still show correctly.
wp-SwimTeam v0.1.455 available
This afternoon I posted v0.1.455 of the wp-SwimTeam plugin. This release fixes a bug with Active vs Inactive swimmers. This bug manifested itself in incorrect generation of Roster Reports and CSV Exports. A couple other minor issues were also corrected.
Current Known Issues
Here is a list of known issues with the current (v0.1.450) release:
- Roster CSV export does not work. Fixed in v0.1.455.
- Scratch/Register lists all meets instead of only meets for active season.
- There a couple of debug strings still displayed. Fixed in v0.1.455.
- Global Update does not include Status.
- Scratch and Registration reports look at current season for swimmer labels instead of the season the meet was created for. Fixed in v0.1.456.