Yesterday afternoon I released v4.6.11 of Email Users. In addition to the additions to Dashboard to report the status of various filters, this release contains a fix to address a problem with using the Post Excerpt as the email content instead of the post itself and more importantly, a duplicate mail header problem.
You can find the update on your Dashboard or in the WordPress plugin repository.
I’m getting a 500 error when trying to send mass emails now using Email Users 4.6.11. I tried several times yesterday and once today, same timeout error. I tried limiting the BCC to 30 as well, still got the error.
Have there been any other changes to your site? Any other new plugins? I just ran through my tests and everything works as before and I have not had any other similar bug reports. The changes I made were very minor – some new info on the Dashboard and one line of code which resulted in a duplicate header was commented out.
Thanks for the reply. Hmmm, yeah I recently installed the plugin “Configure SMTP” because my Digital Downloads plugin was not sending emails to my customers. Those emails are now working correctly, but now the ‘Email Users’ plugin seems to have been affected. Are there settings associated with ‘Email Users’ that I should edit since I defined a SMTP host?
I just found the issue. I unchecked “Use SMTPAuth” within the Configure SMTP plugin, saved my settings and went back to ‘Email Users’ which now works correctly. Sorry for the bother, but thanks for the help!