This morning I have updated WordPress Google Form and fixed a number of documentation problems and added one minor new feature. While I am not a big fan of Javascript Alerts, I had a request to allow a message to be displayed upon successful form submission. I have added a new parameter (alert=’message’) to the gform short code to enable this new functionality.
[gform form='' confirm='http://localhost/?page_id=435' alert='You da man!']
The new release should appear in the WordPress repository immediately and as Dashboard update fairly soon.
Thanks, Mike for developing such a handy plugin. I was really looking forward to using it on a site I am working on. Unfortunately, the checkboxes don’t seem to be working right again.
I have five checkboxes, but when I fill in the form only the last checked one in the list appears on the Google spreadsheet.
I have tested filling in the live form on the Google docs site, and there it works fine, so I think something might be wonky with the plugin again.
Check you e-mail, I just send you a message asking for the shortcode syntax you are using so I can take a look at it.
This problem is fixed in the v0.22 update and was a result of WordPress Google Form not loading jQuery.