I’ve spent some time over the last couple of days cleaning up the WordPress Google Form plugin I’ve been working on and getting it added to the WordPress plugin repository. I am happy report that I think I have a stable version (v0.4) finally available that people can play with.
I’ve added a Sample Form and the corresponding Sample Results collected from form submissions if you are interested in seeing what the plugin looks like in action.
This plugin resulted from a need to collect data in a simple manner that could be managed in a spreadsheet. Google Docs provides an easy to use spreadsheet that be used to store the data. Google Forms provides a mechanism to design a form that can add data to the spreadsheet. The WordPress Google Form plugin allows the form to be added to a WordPress site and maintain the look and feel of the active theme.
Note: It looks like I didn’t flush out all of the bugs – the tabs on the Settings page are not working correctly!