I apologize for how slow this web site has been lately. I don’t visit it myself too often when I am not actively working on wp-SwimTeam so I was somewhat oblivious to it. My sites are hosted with GoDaddy and I’ve never really had an issue with their shared hosting service. It is cheap, easy to administer, and for the low volume traffic I tend to get, more than adequate.
I called GoDaddy this morning to see why my sites was loading so slowly – I am seeing page load times of 30-40 seconds which is just plain silly. It looks like another web site that I happen to be sharing the “shared” server with is consuming all of the resources. GoDaddy is going to monitor it and see what is up. I expect it will remain slow for at least a few days. Hopefully they’ll figure out what it is and do something about it but they did tell me that if the other site isn’t violating their TOS, there isn’t much I can do about it. They also suggested I look into a WordPress caching plugin. I don’t have near the volume of data nor traffic to warrant a caching plugin but if the situation persists, I’ll look into it.
Bleh. Even on a shared server there ought to be some expectation of “reasonable” performance. I will continue to monitor the performance and see what I can do about it.