This afternoon I posted v0.1.371 of the wp-SwimTeam plugin on the download page. This build cleans up some UI issues and adds the baseline functionality for Opt-In/Opt-Out (aka Register and Scratch).
I have been noodling on how to implement the MacDolphins need for an online scratch sheet solution since I started this project. It was one of the areas we really struggle with. We’ve had a scratch sheet posted on the bulletin board for people to sign up on but it was ineffective. We’ve tried using e-mail which worked better but getting the information from the collection point to the heat sheet continued to be problematic. Hopefully connecting it to the web site will be a good solution to this ongoing problem.
The basic functionality is now working. When a swim meet is entered into the system, it is characterized as either Opt-In or Opt-Out (the labels can be set from the Options menu). An Opt-In meet requires all swimmers to register in order to participate. An Opt-Out swim meet assumes all active swimmers are participating unless the swimmer withdraws from a meet (or subset of meet events). For the MacDolphins, all dual meets are Opt-Out events and our local invitational city meet is an Opt-In event.
In addition to the new Opt-In/Opt-Out functionality (which doesn’t include reports yet), I made quite a few improvements to the UI, particularly with the messages which are displayed after an action is executed. I also took care of some CSS issues which were most notable when using the default light blue Dashboard color scheme. I prefer the grey one which is why I hadn’t noticed the problem previously.
The next phase of Opt-In/Opt-Out will be reporting followed by exporting a meet specific roster in SDIF format.