WordPress Google Forms v0.94-beta-1 available

I have just posted a beta build (v0.94-beta-1) of WordPress Google Forms.  This build introduces a new solution for calculating the CAPTCHA.  There have been a number of concerns about the use of the PHP eval() function and recently, an alternate solution has been posted to the WordPress Support Forum.  I have adapted the proposed solution to the plugin.

This build also addresses a concern about possible security issue with the user-agent string stored when logging submissions.  It is technically possible for a malicious user to encode the user agent string with malicious code.  This update ensures that data is sanitized before storing and presenting it.

Google Forms Beta (40259 downloads )

5 thoughts on “WordPress Google Forms v0.94-beta-1 available

  1. Why does the following line appear at the end of the form? /static/forms/client/js/171451551-formviewer_prd.js
    Can you prevent it from appearing?

    • I am not sure why that that text appears on some sites but not on others. It seems to be theme dependent. Fortunately there is a way to address it. On the Google Forms Advanced Options setting (Dashboard > Settings > Google Forms – Advanced Options tab) look for the checkbox at the top of the page labeled “HTML Filtering” and uncheck it. The text you describe should disappear.

  2. Hi, please there is a way to don’t show the google message (made by google form” and “if you was too reale bla bla” posted after the submission of a form? And, please, how to can visualize a page after submitting? I tried to insert an URL but don’t work. Please see here http://www.mapanurse.com thanks

    • Yes you can hide the Google generated content after the form is submitted using Custom CSS. Paste the following CSS rules into the form’s custom CSS entry box.

      This will hide all of the content:

      div.ss-resp-card {
      display: none;

      This will hide some of the content (e.g. edit your response – which isn’t supported):

      div.ss-opt-actions, div.ss-response-footer {
      display: none;

      As for visualizing a page after submission, a thank you page or something similar, you can set up a redirect to another page on your web site. Create the thank you page like any other static page then using that page’s permalink, set up the form redirect with the permalink URL. One note about redirect, if your site has any Javascript errors on the page (check the developer console in Chrome or Firefox), it will prevent the redirect from firing.

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