Earlier today I released Email Users v4.7.10 which is the formal release of a number of fixes I’ve had in the queue. Now that it is out, I’ve moved on to the first real new functionality in a while which is why this will be v4.8.x.
Recently there was a 1 Star rated review of Email Users which had a comment about not being able to search for a user in a list of potential recipients. As you can see in the comments, I didn’t disagree with the user although what they wanted to do was sort of possible.
I’ve used the jQuery Chosen plugin a couple times and it works great for making SELECT elements much more user friendly. I decided to add it to Email Users to make finding users, particularly for sites which have lots of users, much easier. If you used WooCommerce, you’re familiar with Chosen as that is what WooCommerce uses for SELECT elements as well.
The v4.8.0-beta-1 release is the first implementation of Email Users with the jQuery Chosen plugin integration. Please download it, try it out, and report any issues or concerns.
Implementing Chosen allows for easy search and selection as noted in these images.
Email Users Beta (38633 downloads )