WordPress Google Form v0.54-beta-2 now available

I have just uploaded beta 2 of WordPress Google Form v0.54.  This update fixes the problem with the validation meta box not allowing adding additional fields (a jQuery script was not loading correctly) and also fixes the issue with range checks I mentioned in the beta 1 announcement.  At this point I believe everything is working correctly.

I have put together a Validation Demo Form that you can play with to see  how it works.  There are some images below from the demo form running in my development area including how I set up the validation information when creating the form.

Google Forms Beta (47779 downloads )

GForm_SS_52 GForm_SS_53 GForm_SS_54

One thought on “WordPress Google Form v0.54-beta-2 now available

  1. You can find jQuery plugins that deal specifically with field validation on the jQuery Plugins Page .

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