wp-SwimTeam v1.0.514 available for download

A new release of wp-SwimTeam is now available.  This release addresses a number of issues encountered when running on a server with PHP 5.3.5 installed.  This release requires the phpHtmlLib plugin to be updated to v2.6.2.3545 or later.

Make sure you backup your database before installing this update.  This update also fixes some database table issues, deleting fields and columns which have been deprecated.  Please report any issues you find, I have tried to test everything but I may have missed something!

wp-SwimTeam plugin – updated 2/20/2011 @ 18:11

6 thoughts on “wp-SwimTeam v1.0.514 available for download

  1. Mike,
    1st: Your links on the front page are not correct. Both point to ID=7, but one of the lower pages had ID=8 for the file download. (I think)

    2nd: I deactivated both phpHtmlLib and wp-SwimTeam plugins, uploaded the new directories to the server and activated them in order. phpHtmlLib activated fine.
    wp-SwimTeam when I tried to activate gave me this:

    >>string(17) “swimteam.php::274”

  2. @Michael Hale
    I am getting same issue as 2nd:

    string(17) “swimteam.php::274”


    here is the code giving this issue:

    function swimteam_install()
    var_dump(basename(__FILE__) . ‘::’ . __LINE__) ;
    wp_die(‘here’) ;
    swimteam_database_init() ;

    • Yep – already fixed and a new version can be downloaded. That was some leftover debug code from when I was playing with dependency checking between wp-SwimTeam and phpHtmlLib.

  3. Worked for me, thanks!

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