wp-SwimTeam 0.1.442 available

This evening I posted a v0.1.442 of wp-SwimTeam on the download page.  There isn’t a lot of new functionality which is visible yet but this released fixes a couple things I ran into getting ready for the MacDolphins 2010 season.

Updating a season now allows a prior year to be selected – the year range now shows 3 years prior and 7 years after the current year.  Most of the success and error messages now use the WordPress styling where they appear near the top of the page in a colored box.  There are probably a few I missed but most of them should work correctly.

This release also exposes the start of the results import although it doesn’t currently do anything other than load the file and do some basic parsing on it to make sure it is a valid SDIF results file.  The data is not currently stored in the database.

6 thoughts on “wp-SwimTeam 0.1.442 available

  1. Got it. Thanks, now I could tidy up last year’s meets(forgot to enter scores on the last two).

  2. New bug. I was adding a club to the database today. I’m in Swim Team -> Manage -> Swim Clubs.
    When I enter the data, I noticed that State was labeled as “NC” and “Zipcode” was labeled with my zipcode (27614). I figured it was simply a display issue but when I “Save” I get an error that “27614” field can not be empty. No matter what I put in this field it produces an error.
    So I can’t add any new clubs at the moment.

    Here’s a snapshot to help in explanation:

    • Now that is a wierd bug and I have never seen that happen before. The “State or Province” field has an actual state value in as does the zip code field. I just added three new clubs two days ago after we received our schedule. I may ask you for a database dump if I can’t reproduce that.

    • Have you changed the State or Province label or the Postal Code label on the Options > Swim Team tab? Those fields are at the bottom of the page.

  3. Ah ha! I did have my labels like you suspected. And now I can enter a new club??? Must be some sort of oddity, but with the labels corrected I no longer see the error.

    • I am glad it is fixed but there is still a bug as no matter what label you put in the field, it should still work. It would just make the form look odd. I will put it on the list of things to check. — Thanks.

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