As I work on results functionality I have several ideas floating around my head. One is the ability to chart swimmer results over the course of a season or possibly several seasons. Charting over several seasons raises some issues (e.g. different age groups, event distances, etc.) but charting results for at least one season would be interesting.
I had thought about using the same functionality that the Stats plugin uses which is Open Flash Chart to plot results. Today while looking for something else, I may have found something which is a better solution: pChart – a PHP library for building charts!
Hopefully I will get to try it out in the next few weeks. I have been sidetracked by a WordPress project for my daughter’s soccer team so Swim Team will have wait a little longer.
Mike, Progress looks awesome! I’d like to help, in particular I’d like to reorganize the tabs/menu systems.
Thanks, it’s getting there. Progress has been slow lately as it is has been hard to find the time to work on it. Soccer season is almost over and that shouls free up some time.
We should chat sometime – I’d like to understand what you envision for the menu and tabs.