Email Users v4.7.1-beta-2 available

This evening I released beta-2 of Email Users v4.7.1.  This build addresses a couple of issues and introduces a new filter which allows manipulation of portions of the generated email headers.

The Dashboard Widget can now be disabled.  It is on by default but can be turned off with a setting (Dashboard > Settings > Email Users).

There have been several requests to support wpMandrill.  It wasn’t until recently that I learned that in addition to overloading wp_mail(), Mandrill requires the recipient addresses to be in the TO header where as Email Users uses the BCC header to send email.

I didn’t want to make it simple to use the TO header instead of the BCC header as I view it as risky.  Exposing the recipients of a mass mailing is a no-no.  However, Mandrill is widely used and with several requests, I needed a safe yet viable solution.

The new mailusers_manipulate_headers allows the user to modify the headers so they’ll work with Mandrill while not making it too easy to do so.  Here is an example of how the headers could/would be modified to have the recipients in the TO header instead of the BCC header.

 * wpMandrill needs the recipients in the TO header instead
 * of the BCC header which Email Users uses by default. This
 * filter will move all of the recipients from the BCC header
 * into the TO header and clean up any formatting and then nuke
 * the BCC header.
function mailusers_mandrill_headers($to, $headers, $bcc)
    // Copy the BCC headers to the TO header without the "Bcc:" prefix
    $to = preg_replace('/^Bcc:\s+/', '', $bcc) ;

    // Empty out the BCC header
    $bcc = array() ;

    return array($to, $headers, $bcc) ;

add_filter('mailusers_manipulate_headers', 'mailusers_mandrill_headers', 10, 3) ;

This code would be placed in the functions.php file.  More details can found in the ReadMe.txt file.  The example above is now included with the plugin, you can find it in the examples directory.

Email Users Beta (38633 downloads )

Google Forms v0.73-beta-4

This evening I released beta-4 of Google Forms v0.73.  This builds add support for Right to Left (RTL) languages by adding a column order option when using multiple columns.  This functionality was requested earlier today on the Support Forum and was very easy to implement as the jQuery Columnizer plugin already supported RTL.  The only other change is an update of the language translation files.

Google Forms Beta (49382 downloads )

Google Forms v0.73-beta-3 available

This morning I released beta-3 of Google Forms v0.73. This beta build addresses a request recently posted on the WordPress Support Forum to allow the notification email to be sent to multiple email addresses.

This request has been implemented – multiple notification email addresses may be entered, they should be separated by a semicolon character (;).

Unless there is a an issue reported in the next day or so, I plan to release v0.73 shortly.

Google Forms Beta (49382 downloads )

Email Users v4.7.1-beta-1 available

This afternoon I posted beta-1 of Email Users v4.7.1.  This release addresses a warning related to the max_input_vars setting when the server doesn’t have the configuration variable defined.  This happens on some older server configurations, notably, those running PHP 5.3.8 and earlier.

This build also adds support for the WordPress editable_roles filter which was recently requested on the WordPress Support Forum.

Email Users Beta (38633 downloads )

Google Forms v0.73-beta-2 available

This evening I released beta-2 of Google Forms v0.73. This beta build addresses a problem recently reported on the WordPress Support Forum.

This problem appears to be due to a change in the HTML Google generates for the “Other” field.  The change in the HTML resulted in the jQuery selector no longer working.  A new selector has been implemented in beta-2.

Google Forms Beta (49382 downloads )

Google Forms v0.73-beta-1 now available

It has been a while since I’ve done an update to Google Forms. There weren’t any glaring bugs (that I was aware of) but there were a number of requests that I had yet to handle and one (unnecessary Javascript loading) has been on my to-do list for a long time. In this build are several changes and a couple of enhancements.

  1. Javascript is now loaded only when needed.  When a form is displayed, the relevant Javascript is loaded.  It is no longer loaded on every page like it has been historically.  The same is true for CSS.
  2. While fixing #1, I found that I was also loading Javascript on the Dashboard on every page as well as opposed to limiting it to when a Google Form was being edited.  There was a bug in the logic used to detect when a form was being edited which has been fixed.
  3. The plugin has long supported the ability to override the default Google text on a global basis.  This has been extended to form specific overrides.  This means the “Submit” button can be different on every form if desired.  Form specific overrides take precedence over global overrides.
  4. After submission, Google Forms show, unless hidden with CSS, a “Submit another response” link which links back to the Google Docs version of the form.  This link is now replaced with the proper link to URL where the form appears on the WordPress site.

Please do some testing with this beta version and report any problems.  I will do my best to fix them quickly as I would like to get this version released as soon as possible.

Google Forms Beta (49382 downloads )

Email User 4.6.11-beta-2 available

This morning I posted beta-2 of Email Users 4.6.11.  This build addresses a bug with the Post Excerpt recently reported in the WordPress Support Forum.  I suspect this bug has been around for a long time.  Email Users was making a call to get_the_excerpt() which it turns out, should only be called within The Loop.  I have fixed this bug and and the plugin is now looking for the excerpt properly and more importantly, my test posts are behaving properly.

Please report any other issues and I will do my best to address this ASAP.  Since this is a pretty serious bug, I will likely release an update within a day or two if I don’t have any further bug reports.

Email Users Beta (38633 downloads )

Email Users v4.6.11-beta-1 available

I’ve had a number of reports recently regarding loss of line breaks when sending out Post or Page notifications.  Nothing has changed in Email Users with respect to formatting the post prior to sending it via email.  However, the fact that several people has run into this problem concerns me.

The only thing I can think of which would result in loss of line breaks is if the the_content() or the_excerpt() functions are not calling the wpauto filter (which both do by default unless turned off).  As noted in the Codex page, some plugins and themes remove the action.

I’ve added a check within the Email Users Dashboard widget to report the state of the hooks which could reformat the text.   The the_content hook is the most likely to change the formatting of the post content but the other two listed could also affect it in some cases.


Email Users Beta (38633 downloads )

If you are having this problem, please try this download and let me know what your Dashboard looks like.

Swim Team v1.42-beta-8 available

This morning I posted beta-8 of Swim Team v1.42.  I hope to formally release it in the next day or two barring no reported issues.  This update addresses a few more areas where I missed the changes to how files are included.  This manifested itself mostly through usage of shortcodes but there were a few other spots too (e.g. event management).

Please report any issues encountered.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (15622 downloads )

Swim Team v1.42-beta-7 available

This evening I posted beta-7 of Swim Team v1.42.  This build addresses a problem reported earlier today.  This bug manifested itself when there isn’t an active season which would be the case when the plugin is first installed.  It is also possible to set all seasons inactive in which case, the same problem was present.

[download id=’14’]