Google Forms v0.73-beta-4

This evening I released beta-4 of Google Forms v0.73.  This builds add support for Right to Left (RTL) languages by adding a column order option when using multiple columns.  This functionality was requested earlier today on the Support Forum and was very easy to implement as the jQuery Columnizer plugin already supported RTL.  The only other change is an update of the language translation files.

Google Forms Beta (49099 downloads )

2 thoughts on “Google Forms v0.73-beta-4

  1. I noticed an error when two forms with captcha are deployed on the same page. There will be two captcha fields in both forms, and neither are right, or will register the answer.

    This only appears on mobile sites with responsive themes on though. Works fine on a desktop. Any idea what could be causing it?

    • Since you have two forms, do you have the uid shortcode parameter set to a unique value to ensure each form is processed by the jQuery script separately? I have not tried it with a mobile site or browser but depending on how the mobile theme is developed, and most use a lot of Javascript, it is possible there is some sort of DOM manipulation conflict. If you want me to look at it, please fill out my Help and Support Form.

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