wp-SwimTeam is a WordPress plugin which supports the following features:
- Electronic Registration for Parents and Swimmers
- Each Swimmer can have two Parents or Guardians
- Configurable custom fields for the Swim Team parent or guardian profile
- Configurable custom fields for the Swimmer profile
- Seamless integration with WordPress registration and login
- Define and Manage Seasons
- Define and Manage Age Groups
- Define and Manage Opponent Profiles
- Define and Manage Meet Schedule
- Report Generator
- CSV Export for Reports and Roster
- SDIF (SD3) Export for Roster
- Short Code for Google Maps
- Short Code for Opponent Profiles
- Short Code for Meet Schedule
- Short Code for Flickr Photo Gallery
- Volunteer Signup and Management
- Opt-In/Opt-Out System for Meet Participation
Just listing some ideas for future features:
GeoCode SwimTeam(s) address using GoogleMaps API (if a GoogleMap URL doesn’t exist)
– http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/services.html#Geocoding
– Add a Meet summary: “Home or Away”, “Date”, “Special Instructions”
– Allow for column control.
– I have it displayed in a right column, but more info is there than can be displayed. I’d like to just be able to show Date and Home or Away..
– Allow for Date Format (Currently seems forced to “Tue Jun 8, 2010” type of format. Could save some space on my column using 6/8/10 format.
Hi there where would I find the how to use ? Is there anything?
Documentation is a weak point right now. I have a Wiki set up (http://wiki.wp-swimteam.org) but it doesn’t have any content yet. I have posted a quick summary of how to use the plugin.
Hi, I had a look at the admin side but I want to look at it from a user perspective. I tried to register as a user but I couldn’t do it.
Ok – logout and back in and your permissions will be reverted back to a normal user. You will then have the same access as a typical “parent” user would have.
Feature Sugestion:
The ability to setup a whole meet opt out, rather than by event!
You can already do this. If you set up wp-SwimTeam in “Stoke Mode” instead of “Event Mode” you can opt out of an entire meet.