Google Forms v0.64 released

I did some additional testing with UTF-8 characters over the weekend and everything is working as expected.  With no known issues outstanding I have released v0.64 this morning.  You can find the update on your Dashboard or download it from the WordPress Plugin Repository.

  1. Fixed a number of strings which were missing translation wrapper functions.
  2. Reverted to manually constructed body parameter for wp_remote_post() to allow checkboxes to be properly passed to Google.
  3. Fixed warnings generated by calls to static functions which were not declared static.
  4. Added check for HTTP API cURL transport and issue a warning when not present. There was a change between WordPress 3.6.1 and 3.7 to the WordPress HTTP API and the streams and fsockopen transports are unable to post form values back to Google using wp_remote_post().
  5. Added a setting to allow hiding the cURL transport missing message on the Dashboard.
  6. Added a check to ensure jQuery script isn’t output more than once.
  7. Remove hook into “the_content” to reduce potential conflicts with other plugins (e.g. WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast).
  8. Added placeholders for some of the form fields when defining a Form within the UI.

Email Users v4.6.3 released

I finally had a chance to do some final testing of Email Users v4.6.3. To the best of my knowledge there are no outstanding issues so I have released it today.  You can find the update on your WordPress Dashboard or in the WordPress Plugin Repository.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

  1. Fixed several strings which were not properly set up for language translation.
  2. Re-added French translation file as it had gotten corrupted somehow and wouldn’t load in WordPress.
  3. Added Dutch translation support (thank you Bart van Strien).
  4. Fixed bug where sites with large numbers of users would exhaust memory.
  5. Updated Spanish translation (thank you Ponc J. Llaneras)
  6. Added additional options for BCC limit.
  7. Fixed several CSS bugs on Settings page.
  8. Initial implementation of Paid Memeberships Pro integration.

Google Forms v0.64-beta-7 available

This afternoon I released beta-7 of Google Forms v0.64.  I expect this to be the final beta release.  It contains a few minor fixes, most notably the warning from the cURL check regarding calling a non-static function statically.  Additionally, some new “placeholder” information has been added to the Form Definition form which disappears when the user starts entering text into the field.

Google Forms Beta (22163 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v1.42-beta-3 available

This afternoon I released beta-3 for wp-SwimTeam v1.42.  This builds adds a new option to allow control of the temporary storage used when exporting data to use outside of WordPress.  For now, this new functionality is limited to Roster Export only however if it works, I’ll do it for everything.


Historically wp-SwimTeam has used PHP’s temporary file facility to store the constructed export data and it then sends it to the browser for download.  In a few corner cases, it appears the server configuration won’t allow doing this so I have added a new option to use WordPress transients as temporary storage.  It is a little slower than using temporary files so be patient for the download dialog box to display.  I am hoping this is a viable solution and will allow users who run into this issue, which I assume is security related, to use wp-SwimTeam.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (7307 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v.1.41-beta-2

This morning I uploaded beta-2 of wp-SwimTeam v1.41.  This build adds intelligence and error messages during the export process (rosters only for now) to detect an unusual, but critical situation, which occurs when the plugin is unable to generate a  temporary file.  The temporary files are used to hold the generated data which is eventually sent to the browser for download.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (7307 downloads )

Email-Users v4.6.3-beta-11 available

I have just posted beta-11 of Email Users v4.6.3.  This beta version has quite a bit in it, new functionality and bug fixes:

  • CSS fixes to the settings page so the Editor boxes don’t over flow into the right hand column.
  • Integration support for the Paid Memeberships Pro plugin.
  • Language file updates.
  • Empty User Groups from the Groups plugin are no longer displayed when sending group messages or notifications.

Please do some testing with this build, I would like to release it fairly soon.  I have limited knowledge of Paid Memberships Pro so it could use some testing.  My experience with PMP is it is pretty fragile, I had to mess with my WordPress database just to get users assigned to PMP groups.

Email Users Beta (16774 downloads )

Email Users v4.6.3-beta-9 available

Update:  Around noon EST I updated the build to beta-10 to fix another bug.

This morning I posed beta-9 of the upcoming Email Users v4.6.3 release.  This build includes an updated Spanish translation as well as several new options for the BCC Limit setting targeted at sites with very large numbers of users (e.g. 4k, 13k, etc.).

This build also moves some debug code I have been using to chase down the memory issue under the control of the Email Users Debug setting (which is on the plugin settings page – Dashboard->Settings->Email Users).  I have found this code to be really useful chasing down this odd memory problem however I don’t want it running all the time so putting it under the control of the debug setting makes sense.  When debug is enabled, if you choose the “Send to Users” menu (Dashboard->Email Users->Send to Users) and examine the source HTML code for the page, you will find a section of code which looks similar to this:

<pre id="line1">				<select id="<a>send_users</a>" name="<a>send_users[]</a>" size="<a>8</a>" style="<a>width: 654px; height: 250px;</a>" multiple="<a>multiple</a>" >
				<!-- email-users.php::1010 -->
<!-- email-users.php::1058 -->
<!-- email-users.php::1059 -->
    [total_users] => 805
    [avail_roles] => Array
            [administrator] => 1
            [contributor] => 4
            [editor] => 2
            [subscriber] => 798

<!-- email-users.php::1061 -->
    [exclude] => 1
    [fields] => Array
            [0] => ID
            [1] => display_name

    [offset] => 0
    [number] => 500
<!-- email-users.php::1063 -->
<!-- email-users.php::1082  Query #1  Memory Usage:  20.5M -->
<!-- email-users.php::1082  Query #2  Memory Usage:  20.5M -->
805 -->
<!-- email-users.php::1116 -->
					<option value="<a>308</a>" ></pre>

This sort of information is tremendously helpful when chasing down odd behavior.

I am hoping to get a couple more translation updates before I do the v4.6.3 release along with some testing from a couple of sites with large user counts.  In the meantime, you can download the latest beta version here.

Email Users Beta (16774 downloads )

WordPress Google Form v0.61-beta-4 now available

I have just uploaded beta-4 of WordPress Google Form v0.61. This build corrects a couple more jQuery issues when using multiple instances of a form on the same page. In order to use multiple instances of the same form on a single page, you must use the uid parameter with the wpgform shortcode. Usage of this new parameter is outlined in the v0.61-beta-1 announcement.

The uid parameter is not supported in the deprecated gform shortcode.

Please download and test this beta release, all feedback is much appreciated.

Google Forms Beta (22163 downloads )

WordPress Google Form v0.61-beta-1 available

About a week ago I was approached with an interesting problem.  A user wanted to have the same form on single page three times.  Three instances of the same form.  Each instance would have some hidden values to determine which form was submitted.

The problem was by putting the same exact form on the page multiple times, a lot of the content (id and name attributes) was duplicated and as such, caused problems upon submission or even trying to move from field to field on the form.  The current (v0.60) version of the plugin is effectively broken for multiple forms except in the simplest of cases (no CAPTCHA, validation, presets, etc.).

I’ve come up with a solution that needs some testing.  I’ve added a new short code attribute to the wpgform shortcode which takes a string value and uses it as a unique identifier to ensure the replicated fields are actually unique in the source HTML.

In the image below you can see the text “B-” has been prepended to the id attribute for the form tag and an input tag.  The “B-” was the value of the uid parameter in the shortcode for the form.

[wpgform id='879' uid='B-']


Download this beta version and run it through its paces.  The ripple effect of this change across the code was pretty significant so I’d like to make sure it didn’t break anything.

Google Forms Beta (22163 downloads )

WordPress Google Form v0.59 released

After I have not had any reports of issues since releasing beta-3 so I have pushed out the formal release.  You can find v0.59 in the WordPress plugin repository or on your Dashboard.

Enhancements and Bug Fixes in v0.59:

  • Added ability to preset values for Google form as part of WordPress URL.
  • Added new CSS declarations to default plugin CSS to account for recent changes by Google to Forms.
  • Added ability to define fields as “hidden” and preset with a user defined or system defined value.
  • Fixed validation limitation which only allowed one validation rule per input.
  • Added basic support (CSS, jQuery) to use WordPress Google Form to view a Google Spreadsheet within WordPress.