Email Users v4.6.3-beta-2 available

In the process of working with a user providing a Dutch translation, I found a number of strings which were not properly set up for language translation.  This build provides no new functionality, only changes to support translation.

This build also replaces the French translation files with new ones as the files in the release could not be opened with Poedit nor would they be loaded by WordPress.  Not sure what happened but the files were corrupt.

Note:  Updated to beta-3 late in the afternoon on 12/30.

Email Users Beta (37155 downloads )

WordPress Google Form v0.64-beta-1 available

This morning I posted the first beta of WordPress Google Form v0.64.  There is no new functionality in this version, it just addresses a bunch of strings which were not properly set up for language translation.

If you want to provide a language pack for WordPress Google Form, this is the best version to work from.  I am currently working with a user who is working on a French translation.

Google Forms Beta (47706 downloads )

Poor Response Time

I’ve been out of pocket for the past few weeks, for anyone who has submitted a bug or help request, I apologize.  I am back in North Carolina and have some time to address some of the questions and help requests which have queued up since before Christmas.  I have answered a few Email Users and WordPress Google Form questions in the WordPress Support Forum but if you haven’t heard back from me, don’t hesitate to ping me again.