CSS for the WordPress Google Form Submit button

I was recently asked how the Submit button could be styled when using a Google Form in conjunction with my WordPress Google Form plugin.  Fortunately this was an easy question to answer because I had done something similar for another site.  Now I suspect the person asking me didn’t want to make their submit button pink but the CSS selector should be the same – it is just a matter of adding the CSS directives to achieve the desired affect!  I used the following selector to style the Submit button:

div.ss-form-entry>input[type="submit"] {
    background-color: pink;

This little trick should help further integrate Google Forms with your WordPress site.

Update: Recently I was asked how to style only the Submit button – all other buttons (e.g. Back, Continue, etc.) and input fields should keep their default styles. Here is some CSS which will style only the Submit button:

div.ss-form-entry>input[type="submit"][name="submit"] {
    background-color: pink;