I received an email the other day about my WordPress Google Form plugin wondering whether or not it should work with multi-page Google Forms It hadn’t even occurred to me to test it as none of the forms I had needed myself were multi-page forms but my gut reaction was I didn’t think it would work.
I took a look at a multi-page Google Form and have determined that the current (v0.10) version of the WordPress Google Form plugin (aka wpGForm) will not work with multi-page forms. No real big surprise but I want it to be clear before someone else wastes their time trying to make it work.
From looking at the form code it may be possible to support multi-page forms in the future but it will require some additional jQuery scripting and more importantly, some time to dedicate to it. I hope to look at this soon but I have a couple of WordPress theme projects that I need to get off my plate before I can go back to wpGForm.