It has been quite a while since I’ve updated Email Users. There have been a couple of enhancement requests that I’ve wanted to add and some deprecated notices I wanted to resolve.
Email Users 4.8.2-beta-2 adds the following:
- Custom Header (similar to the custom footer which has been part of the plugin for a while).
- Control over customer header and footer usage. Each can be applied to Notifications, User and Group Emails, or both.
- Ability to remove the “Notify Users about this Post/Page” on the Post/Page editing screen.
- All references to get_currentuserinfo() have been updated. The get_currentuserinfo() API function has been deprecated for a while but WordPress 4.5 issues a strong warning on the Dashboard about it so it was time to resolve it.
Please report any issues and I’ll do my best to get them fixed quickly and get this release out.
Email Users Beta (39244 downloads )