wp-SwimTeam v0.0.322 posted

This afternoon I uploaded v0.0.322 of the wp-SwimTeam plugin.

Bug Fixes

  • Permission requirements were wrong – to do much of anything required the user to have Administrator permissions.  It now works as outlined in the earlier post today.
  • Reporting has been fixed to account for an odd database query issue where in some cases, the age group for swimmers would show up as “none”.


  • Registration has been enhanced to support registration fees.  This is still a work in progress.  The fees can be entered but nothing is done with them yet.

wp-SwimTeam v0.0.310 available

As I noted in an earlier post, a minor update to the wp-SwimTeam plugin has been posted and is available for download.  This update fixes a the issues I encountered as I worked on the MacDolphins registration.  A couple of them were just dumb mistakes – some hardcoded paths that assumed the plugin path (from before I knew how to determine the plugin path).

While I was fixing the Report Generator I enhanced it – it can now export the primary and secondary contact details but only to the CSV version of the report.  The HTML report will be updated as well in the next day or two.

Note:  Make sure you download and install the phpHtmlLib plugin!  wp-SwimTeam won’t work with it.