Google Forms v0.66-beta-2 available

I have been working on resolving a plugin conflict between WordPress SEO and Google Forms.  Based on some help from the WordPress SEO plugin author I have made some small changes to Google Forms which I believe will alleviate the conflict.

I am looking for people who’ve been dealing with this problem to test this out, if you have a few minutes, please download this beta and give it a run through.

Google Forms Beta (49109 downloads )

Google Forms v0.65 finally released

This morning I released v0.65 of Google Forms, a long overdue update.  I have been sitting on this release for a while because of one outstanding issue I was aware of which I simply haven’t had time to chase down.  The ability to email the end user upon form submission broke at some point, I am not exactly sure when but it has been reported a few times recently.  It turns out, it only worked if email to the admin was also enabled.

Here are the highlights from the Change Log:

  • Implemented “save_post” for custom post type eliminating general purpose “save_post” (only option prior to WordPress 3.7) action which could potentially, if not handled correctly by another plugin, corrupt post data.
  • Formally deprecated the gform shortcode by updating README file.
  • Added flush of rewrite rules upon plugin activation and deactivation.
  • Implemented protocol relative URLs for loading jQuery script from Microsoft CDN to avoid mixed-content warnings when serving over https.
  • Fixed layout of CAPTCHA options on settings page.
  • Fixed bug with preset values as part of the URL which contain spaces.
  • Fixed bug sending End User email upon form submission.
  • Refactored construction of email headers based on experience with Email Users plugin.

You can find the update in the WordPress plugin repository or on your WordPress Dashboard.

Email Users v4.6.2 released

This morning I released version 4.6.2 of Email Users.  This release addresses several translation issues and updates the Bulgarian translation.  More importantly, this release adds an integration with ItThinx Groups!  This new feature is one that has been requested several times and I finally had the time to work on it.

You can download the update from the WordPress plugin repository or find the update on your Dashboard.

Email Users v4.6.2-beta-2 now available

I am close to releasing Email Users v4.6.2.  This update addresses some issues in the README file and some translation string issues on the Options page.  There is no new functionality or bug fixes since beta-1.

I would like to get as many of the translations as possible updated before releasing 4.6.2.

Email Users Beta (38456 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v1.40 released

I have finally released v1.40 of wp-SwimTeam.  Thanks to everyone who helped test the new features and flush out any bugs.  This release has a slew of new features and functionality.

  • This update requires phpHtmlLib v2.6.7 or later!
  • Fixed initializion bug when Adding Events to an Event Group. Events were by default not being assigned to the correct group.
  • Fixed pagination bug when managing large number of events. When paging through events the GUI would get confused.
  • Fixed Event Group bug which was propagating the wrong event group to subsequent actions.
  • Added support for Mixed Gender and Combined age groups.
  • Added support for Mixed Gender and Combined Events.
  • Added support for exporting mixed gender event entries in SD3 and HY3 formats.
  • Added support for mixed gender events when importing events.
  • Fixed bug resulting in database error when generating RE1 roster.
  • Re-implemented Roster Export functionality – multiple formats can now be exported. The export can also be limited one gender.
  • Added support for age groups where min age and max age are identical.
  • Added smart processing of 0 as min or max age in HYV event imports, mapping 0 to minimum or maximum age setting as appropriate.
  • Fixed bug in USS Number generation.
  • Fixed bug in HY3 entries generation where E1 record did not contain gender.
  • Fixed reported entry count when exporting SDIF, count was off by 2x.
  • Fixed bug exporting roster by single gender which resulted in no swimmers.
  • Fixed bug which prevented proper HY3 meet entry generation for Opt-In swim meets.

You can find the update in the WordPress plugin repository or on your Dashboard.

wp-SwimTeam v1.40-beta-6 available

I have just uploaded beta-6 of wp-SwimTeam v1.40.  This is a very minor update, the only fix is to deal with a typo which causes the activation process to fail.  If you had updated the plugin by simply dropping the beta release on top of your existing install, you would not have encountered this problem.

The type came about as I have started adding roles and capabilities to wp-SwimTeam (which has been a long standing request).  I have some basic roles and capabilities defined however they are not currently being used for anything.  Their first use will be to allow access to the plugin menus on the Dashboard.  More to come on this later.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (15558 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v1.4.0-beta-3 available

This morning I resolved my Subversion problems with phpHtmlLib and have posted v1.40 beta 3 of wp-SwimTeam.  This release cleans up the Roster Export functionality which had become cumbersome as more formats were added.  Instead of multiple choices from the dropdown menu, there is a single choice (Export Roster) which brings up a new form which allows the user some control over how much of the roster is exported and in what format(s).


This release is dependent on an update to phpHtmlLib so make sure you update it before loading this beta version.  You must be running phpHtmlLib v2.6.7 or later for this new Export Roster functionality to work correctly.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (15558 downloads ) Email Users Beta (38456 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v1.40-beta-1 now available

I have uploaded a preliminary build of wp-SwimTeam v1.40-beta-1.  This build introduces new functionality to support mixed gender and combined age groups.  It also fixes a number of small bugs I encountered along the way.

I have not done thorough testing on it as I don’t have access to MM and TM right now to validate the changes.  However, I am reasonably confident that the changes I’ve made will have little to no impact on Hy-tek compatibility.

If you run into any issues, let me know and I’ll get them fixed as quickly as I can.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (15558 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v1.38.983 released

This afternoon I posted an update to wp-SwimTeam.  This update addresses a number of bugs that have been reported recently.

  • Fixed bug in Hy-tek entries generation which caused a PHP warning but no loss of data.
  • Fixed bug which caused parents/guardians to see all swimmers instead of just their swimmers when opting in or out of a swim meet.
  • Added checking and a warning message when the selected meet occurs outside of the active season. Some operations makes sense, however some do not (e.g. opt-in or opt-out).

You can find the update in the WordPress Plugin Repository or as an update via your Dashboard.  You can also download it here.

Google Forms Beta (49109 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v1.37.976 released

This morning I released v1.37.976 of wp-SwimTeam.  This build addresses a bug which prevents the deletion of Event Groups and fixes several situations where dialog boxes were “floated” to the wrong place pushing them off the page to the right side.

You can find the latest version of wp-SwimTeam on the Download and  Installation page or in the WordPress Plugin repository.