Google Forms v0.66-beta-2 available

I have been working on resolving a plugin conflict between WordPress SEO and Google Forms.  Based on some help from the WordPress SEO plugin author I have made some small changes to Google Forms which I believe will alleviate the conflict.

I am looking for people who’ve been dealing with this problem to test this out, if you have a few minutes, please download this beta and give it a run through.

Google Forms Beta (50226 downloads )

16 thoughts on “Google Forms v0.66-beta-2 available

  1. Google Forms suddenly could not send the forms in the WordPress site.

    I also use the SEO. So at first I deactivated the SEO plugin, but the forms didnot work yet

    I hoped that your update solved the problem. So I installed the 0.66 version of Google Froms.

    It doesn;t work yet. I get an error: “Warning: stream_socket_client() []: unable to connect to ssl:// (Connection timed out) in /home/kmo/domains/ on line 895”

    I hope you will find a solution. Then my users can use the forms to ask questions and so on.

    • The unable to connect error means that the Google Forms plugin is unable to retrieve the form content from Google Docs. This isn’t something the plugin has control over – it is something happening at your server level. Google Forms requests the form from Google using wp_remote_get() which is a WordPress HTTP API function. Depending on your server setup the request may use cURL, fsockopen,or a couple other transports. If you are using WordPress SEO then I recommend using the v0.66-beta-2 version.

      • Thanks for the quick response

        When the earlier maded forms are used with the v0.66-beta-2 version, normal they have to work also in the new situation?

        It would not be necessary to change the settings?

        • Any forms defined earlier will work without modification.

          • The server provider cannot find a mistake,
            The forms still give the same error message.

            What can I do to make them work again?

          • You could try going back to v0.63 and see if it starts working again. To install v0.63 you’ll have to delete the plugin from WordPress then manually install by uploading the v0.63 zip file which you can download from the WordPress plugin repository. I would be surprised if that fixes it though because the process of retrieving the form from Google has been the same since I first wrote the plugin.

          • Its a pitty. In the same way: It doesnot work.

          • When was the last time it worked and what else has changed since then? I suspect you’re running into a plugin conflict. Can you try temporarily disabling all other plugins except Google Forms and see if the problem persists?

          • I found the solution.
            I had to put off all WordPress HTTP API Transport Control.

            After sending filled formular I get a popup with “here”.
            See only when I press on OK the pages follows the rest of the process.

            Do you know how I can get this message away?

            Thanks for helping me!

          • Were any of the transport controls checked when it wasn’t working? As for the popup, it sounds like a Javascript alert used for debug. I’ll look at the code but I can’t think of anything else that would do that.

          • As far as I see, nothing is changed since it worked correctly before.

            It is not possible that changes in the plugin makes that we get the messages ( each time after sending the formular, till this moment?

          • I don’t understand what you’re asking here. The image you pointed to is from the Google Forms Advanced Settings tab. It is used to disable certain transports within the WordPress HTTP API. Prior to WordPress 3.7 when the HTTP API changed it made sense to disable certain transports in unusual circumstances. With the changes to the HTTP API, the cURL transport is for all practical purposes, a requirement so the usefulness of controlling the various transports has less value than it did when I originally added it to the plugin.

            So let’s step back: What used to work? What isn’t working now?

          • I found and fixed this problem (leftover debug code) in the v0.66 release. If you’re still seeing it in v0.66 or later then I must have another one somewhere that I am not aware of.

  2. Suddenly I’ve lost all my web content and instead of it appears shortcodes in all the entries like : [wpgform id=’…’]. I’m in a panic attack. Please I need some help to recover my web content. It is a magazine webside and I have more than 4000 entries so I dont want to post it all again.

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