Google Forms v0.65 finally released

This morning I released v0.65 of Google Forms, a long overdue update.  I have been sitting on this release for a while because of one outstanding issue I was aware of which I simply haven’t had time to chase down.  The ability to email the end user upon form submission broke at some point, I am not exactly sure when but it has been reported a few times recently.  It turns out, it only worked if email to the admin was also enabled.

Here are the highlights from the Change Log:

  • Implemented “save_post” for custom post type eliminating general purpose “save_post” (only option prior to WordPress 3.7) action which could potentially, if not handled correctly by another plugin, corrupt post data.
  • Formally deprecated the gform shortcode by updating README file.
  • Added flush of rewrite rules upon plugin activation and deactivation.
  • Implemented protocol relative URLs for loading jQuery script from Microsoft CDN to avoid mixed-content warnings when serving over https.
  • Fixed layout of CAPTCHA options on settings page.
  • Fixed bug with preset values as part of the URL which contain spaces.
  • Fixed bug sending End User email upon form submission.
  • Refactored construction of email headers based on experience with Email Users plugin.

You can find the update in the WordPress plugin repository or on your WordPress Dashboard.

Email Users v4.6.6-beta-3 available

Over lunch I posted beta-3 of Email Users v4.6.6.  This build addresses an issue with User Groups integration when using a non-English version of WordPress.  A value embedded in the form was translated which the form processing logic wasn’t handling correctly.  This problem also could have manifested itself if a group name contained a hyphen (dash) character.

Email Users Beta (39266 downloads )

Email Users v4.6.6-beta-2 available

Yesterday on my flight to Phoenix I implemented a feature which was recently requested to use the To field for the recipient address when the BCC limit is set to 1.  There is a new choice in the BCC Limit option on the Settings page:



If  you’d like to test this new feature, download this beta build and report any issues you encounter.  It will work with both Post/Page notifications as well as group emails.  The only limitation is when used, the user’s email address will be placed in the To header without their display name.

Email Users Beta (39266 downloads )

Google Forms v0.65-beta-3 available

This morning I posted beta-3 of Google Forms.  This latest beta addresses an issue reported on the Google Forms Support Forum where extra URL parameters would result in the form not being rendered.

Google Forms has supported additional URL parameters for a while as a mechanism to preset form values.  The problem turned out to be that parameters which contained spaces weren’t being handled properly which resulted in a bad URL.  The bad URL was then used to retrieve the Google Form which failed and resulted in the form not displaying.

This build properly handles spaces in URL parameters and Google ignores, as expected, any parameters it doesn’t know what to do with.  So in the case reported on the Support Forum, the extra parameters added by MailChimp will simply be ignored.

Google Forms Beta (50225 downloads )

Google Forms v0.64-beta-6 available

I have just released beta-6 of Google Forms v0.64 which is a CRITICAL update for anyone who loaded beta-5.  Beta-5 had a serious bug which if you had defined more than one form using the Dashboard UI, would corrupt the content of all of the saved forms so every form would display the same content.  Beta-6 fixes this issue!

Google Forms Beta (50225 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v1.42-beta-3 available

This afternoon I released beta-3 for wp-SwimTeam v1.42.  This builds adds a new option to allow control of the temporary storage used when exporting data to use outside of WordPress.  For now, this new functionality is limited to Roster Export only however if it works, I’ll do it for everything.


Historically wp-SwimTeam has used PHP’s temporary file facility to store the constructed export data and it then sends it to the browser for download.  In a few corner cases, it appears the server configuration won’t allow doing this so I have added a new option to use WordPress transients as temporary storage.  It is a little slower than using temporary files so be patient for the download dialog box to display.  I am hoping this is a viable solution and will allow users who run into this issue, which I assume is security related, to use wp-SwimTeam.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (15825 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v.1.41-beta-2

This morning I uploaded beta-2 of wp-SwimTeam v1.41.  This build adds intelligence and error messages during the export process (rosters only for now) to detect an unusual, but critical situation, which occurs when the plugin is unable to generate a  temporary file.  The temporary files are used to hold the generated data which is eventually sent to the browser for download.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (15825 downloads )

Google Forms v0.64-beta-5 available

2/14/2014 Update:  If you have more than one form defined, do not use beta-5, there is a serious bug which corrupts the content of the defined forms so they all contain the same data.

Beta #5 of Google Forms v0.64 is now available for testing.  This update addresses a plugin conflict between Google Forms and WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast.  The new implementation removes the hook into the_content which is a much more robust solution.

Google Forms Beta (50225 downloads )

Email-Users v4.6.3-beta-11 available

I have just posted beta-11 of Email Users v4.6.3.  This beta version has quite a bit in it, new functionality and bug fixes:

  • CSS fixes to the settings page so the Editor boxes don’t over flow into the right hand column.
  • Integration support for the Paid Memeberships Pro plugin.
  • Language file updates.
  • Empty User Groups from the Groups plugin are no longer displayed when sending group messages or notifications.

Please do some testing with this build, I would like to release it fairly soon.  I have limited knowledge of Paid Memberships Pro so it could use some testing.  My experience with PMP is it is pretty fragile, I had to mess with my WordPress database just to get users assigned to PMP groups.

Email Users Beta (39266 downloads )