Email Users v4.8.0-beta-2 available

I received a new translation (Danish) and updated all of the other translation files for Email Users and have rolled out a new beta release.  There is no new functionality in this beta release as compared to beta-1.

If you have the ability to update a translation, please contact me so I can get you the source files.

Email Users Beta (38457 downloads )

Email Users v4.8.0-beta-1 available

Earlier today I released Email Users v4.7.10 which is the formal release of a number of fixes I’ve had in the queue.  Now that it is out, I’ve moved on to the first real new functionality in a while which is why this will be v4.8.x.

Recently there was a 1 Star rated review of Email Users which had a comment about not being able to search for a user in a list of potential recipients.  As you can see in the comments, I didn’t disagree with the user although what they wanted to do was sort of possible.

I’ve used the jQuery Chosen plugin a couple times and it works great for making SELECT elements much more user friendly.  I decided to add it to Email Users to make finding users, particularly for sites which have lots of users, much easier.  If you used WooCommerce, you’re familiar with Chosen as that is what WooCommerce uses for SELECT elements as well.

The v4.8.0-beta-1 release is the first implementation of Email Users with the jQuery Chosen plugin integration.  Please download it, try it out, and report any issues or concerns.

Implementing Chosen allows for easy search and selection as noted in these images.


From the Send to User(s) page


From the Send to Group(s) page


From the Send to Group(s) page after entering “au” to do some filtering

Email Users Beta (38457 downloads )

Email Users v4.7.10-beta-3 available

I had started looking at bounce issues a while back but never completed the work.  It turns out bounce emails are problematic and the PHPMailer code included with WordPress has deprecated support for it.  I’ve made some minor changes that may help those trying to use the bounce email address capability.

I stress the “may” aspect of it because my own testing I have been unable to get it to work.  I have not seen anything not working from the changes I’ve made but I have not received any bounce emails either.  They simply seem to go in the bit bucket as far as I can tell.

Due to this unreliability I am recommending against using the bounce email address feature and have added a warning on the settings page advising as much which appears when a bounce address is set.


From looking at email headers this morning, I believe they are constructed properly.  I have no idea when bounced messages are actually routed versus discarded and different email servers seem to do it differently.

Email Users Beta (38457 downloads )

Email Users v4.7.10-beta-2 available

This version of Email Users adds a new option to enable apply WordPress’ wpautop function to post content prior to sending it as part of a Post/Page notification email.  This will allow retaining the line breaks in post content as they are shown with the visible editor.  This new option is NOT enabled by default – it must be set on the Email Users settings page.  I chose to do this because it would be a change of behavior for users who have been using the plugin and may yield unexpected results.


The difference between what a post notification with and without this setting checked can be seen in the following images:

Test Notification without “Process Content with wpautop” option:


Test Notification with “Process Content with wpautop” option:


Email received from “Send to User(s)”:

This option also ensures that email composed with the Visual Editor is correctly processed.  The images below show the compose screen within WordPress and the view of the received email within Gmail.



Download the beta and report any issues encountered.

Email Users Beta (38457 downloads )

wp-SwimTeam v1.45 released

Today I released wp-SwimTeam v1.45 which fixes a possible security problem I was alerted to as well as addresses a number of bugs.  The CSV roster export bug was the primary issue holding up getting this release out, I fixed the security problem last week.

It turns out I had implemented a method in both a parent class and (redundantly) in a child class as well.  The RE1, SDIF, and HY3 exports all (properly) used the method from the parent class but the CSV export was using the child class version.  It took me a while to sort it out as I was staring at the wrong code trying to determine what was wrong. It turns out, nothing was wrong, I was just looking in the wrong place.  Once I removed the redundant method declaration, everything resumed working as it should.

I think I have resolved all of the multi-site issues, please let me know if you run into any more.

This update is available via the WordPress Dashboard or from the WordPress Plugin Repository.

wp-Swimteam v1.45 beta 3 now available

Earlier today I received a report of a security bug in wp-SwimTeam.  While the security flaw is true, I believe the ability to take advantage of the exploit is pretty hard is it would require knowing the value of a WordPress site’s ABSPATH value.  It is certainly possible to guess the value in some cases but without knowing the proper value, the exploit simply fails.

None the less, I have fixed it employing WordPress Nonce Verification.  All downloads now perform a verification before proceeding.

There is still one know bug in this build, the CSV Roster export from the Manage tab doesn’t do anything.  The RE1, HY3, and SDIF Roster Exports all work correctly.

There may also still be some oddities when running on WordPress Multi-Site.  I’ve been chasing them down slowly, if anyone runs into anything please report it.

There is a good chance I’ll release a new version once I fix the CSV export in order to get the security fix out in production release.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (15558 downloads )

Email Users v4.7.1-beta-2 available

This evening I released beta-2 of Email Users v4.7.1.  This build addresses a couple of issues and introduces a new filter which allows manipulation of portions of the generated email headers.

The Dashboard Widget can now be disabled.  It is on by default but can be turned off with a setting (Dashboard > Settings > Email Users).

There have been several requests to support wpMandrill.  It wasn’t until recently that I learned that in addition to overloading wp_mail(), Mandrill requires the recipient addresses to be in the TO header where as Email Users uses the BCC header to send email.

I didn’t want to make it simple to use the TO header instead of the BCC header as I view it as risky.  Exposing the recipients of a mass mailing is a no-no.  However, Mandrill is widely used and with several requests, I needed a safe yet viable solution.

The new mailusers_manipulate_headers allows the user to modify the headers so they’ll work with Mandrill while not making it too easy to do so.  Here is an example of how the headers could/would be modified to have the recipients in the TO header instead of the BCC header.

 * wpMandrill needs the recipients in the TO header instead
 * of the BCC header which Email Users uses by default. This
 * filter will move all of the recipients from the BCC header
 * into the TO header and clean up any formatting and then nuke
 * the BCC header.
function mailusers_mandrill_headers($to, $headers, $bcc)
    // Copy the BCC headers to the TO header without the "Bcc:" prefix
    $to = preg_replace('/^Bcc:\s+/', '', $bcc) ;

    // Empty out the BCC header
    $bcc = array() ;

    return array($to, $headers, $bcc) ;

add_filter('mailusers_manipulate_headers', 'mailusers_mandrill_headers', 10, 3) ;

This code would be placed in the functions.php file.  More details can found in the ReadMe.txt file.  The example above is now included with the plugin, you can find it in the examples directory.

Email Users Beta (38457 downloads )

Google Forms v0.73-beta-3 available

This morning I released beta-3 of Google Forms v0.73. This beta build addresses a request recently posted on the WordPress Support Forum to allow the notification email to be sent to multiple email addresses.

This request has been implemented – multiple notification email addresses may be entered, they should be separated by a semicolon character (;).

Unless there is a an issue reported in the next day or so, I plan to release v0.73 shortly.

Google Forms Beta (49110 downloads )

Google Forms v0.73-beta-2 available

This evening I released beta-2 of Google Forms v0.73. This beta build addresses a problem recently reported on the WordPress Support Forum.

This problem appears to be due to a change in the HTML Google generates for the “Other” field.  The change in the HTML resulted in the jQuery selector no longer working.  A new selector has been implemented in beta-2.

Google Forms Beta (49110 downloads )