wp-SwimTeam v1.13.669 available

This afternoon I posted an update to wp-SwimTeam.  You can get v1.13.669 from the download page or update from the WordPress plugin repository (recommended).  This update fixes several bugs:

  1. First and last name were displayed as “N/A” on the Users list on both the Swim Team tab and the Manage tab.
  2. The default values for “State or Province” and “Postal Code” were not stored correctly so in a new installation, the registration form would not work until these fields were set in the Options.
  3. Removed borders from sections of the Options->Swim Team form that were used for debugging the form layout and had inadvertently been left behind.   Some other minor tweaks to the layout were also made.
  4. Rudimentary 3.3.1 testing has been performed.

The update is already in the WordPress plugin repository so you should see notification on your Dashboard soon.