WordPress 2.5 Admin Theme Plugin?

Like many people, I am not a big fan of the new admin theme with WP 2.5.  While somethings (like categories being below the post) I find cumbersome, I can deal with those, it is the visual layout and color scheme which I don’t like.

I am not a fan of web sites that fill the entire browser window all the way up to the edge.  I like a little bit of a border – something which says “I spent some time making this look crisp and finished”.  Letting sites fill all the way to the edge always seemed lazy to me.  And I really don’t like the mish-mash of colors either.

So after poking around for a new admin theme and not finding anything, I decided to see if I could do some simple CSS tweaks to clean up the Dashboard more to my liking.  I now have something running which I am reasonably happy with and have requested a project on wp-plugins.org.  Hopefully if I am accepted, I will have it available to others, should anyone else want it, later today or tonight.

Update:  As of 6:00 AM on Friday I still haven’t heard anything back from wp-plugins.org.   I thought this was supposed to happen quickly and was one of the selling points for wp-plugins.org?

It's a small world sometimes

Yesterday I drove down to the beach to do some maintenance on our beach house before the renters start rolling in a couple weeks. It is an easy drive, about 2 1/2 hours, sometimes a little less. I am listening to the TWIT podcast, and Leo starts chatting about his trip to Tasmania and then into a dialog about National Geographic and former Geographic photographer Bruce Dale.

It grabs my attention because – hey, I know Bruce Dale!  He is my sister-in-law’s father-in-law and since my sister-law and her husband live 1/4 mile away, we see them all the time.  As such, I have met Bruce on numerous occasions.  He is a very interesting guy and very much into technology as Leo noted in the podcast.  Always has a camera with him and takes the most phenominal pictures of the most mundane stuff.