WordPress Google Form v0.54-beta-1 available

The first beta release of WordPress Google Form v0.54 is now available for download. This beta release introduces a pretty significant enhancement – Advanced Validation for any field on a Google Form. This is an “advanced” feature as it requires the user to dig into the form in order to gather the necessary information for the validation to work correctly.

There are a few things which I know aren’t working (e.g. Range Checks) which I will look into.  I would really appreciate some feedback on this new functionality.

Google Forms Beta (49103 downloads )

2 thoughts on “WordPress Google Form v0.54-beta-1 available

  1. Hi Mike,

    Downloaded 0.53 and used the plugin for first time. I was getting the following error on submitting a form: “Looks like you have a question or two that still needs attention.”

    0.54 beta rectified this for me. Seems to be working fine. Thanks for a great plugin!

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