I have just uploaded WordPress Google Form v0.46-beta-17 which addresses one bug and adds new capability to the CAPTCHA functionality.
- CAPCTHA can now have 2 or 3 terms
- CAPTCHA now supports operators for addition (+), subtraction (-), and multiplication (*)
I finally found a solution to passing the query arguments correctly so the page navigation for the Form Submission Log now works properly.
At this point I think I am close to done with this release. Scope creep can be a killer and it has been a long time since I’ve formally released an update. With the number of questions I am getting about new Google Forms and all of the fixes being in this beta, it is time to get it out!
The next question to resolve is do I bump the version number to 1.0 with all of the changes I’ve made or continue as it is and release v0.46 – thoughts?
Google Forms Beta (50231 downloads )