This evening I committed v.122 of wp-SwimTeam to the WordPress plugin repository. This update completes the work I started about a month ago to overhaul the Event Model and add the ability to Export Meet entries in SDIF format such that they can be imported directly into any of the Meet Management applications.
I have made a lot of changes while working on this new functionality. If you run into anything unusual, please let me know ASAP so I can fix it.
- Added new Team Profile field to identify Coach by WordPress username.
- Fixed numerous potential issues when either Swimmer or User option count was set to zero. The comparison was not accounting for the difference between zero and non-existant which resulted in using the default value of 5 in many instances.
- Initial support for Meet Entries SDIF export. The current implementation makes some assumptions which will eventually be under user control via a form. The exported SDIF validates with the WinSwim SDIF Checker application but has not been tested extensively with any of the Hy-tek tools nor with WinSwim itself.
- Added checking and error messages for all Actions to ensure something is selected when required.
- Added GUI for Meet Entries Export.