This evening I released wp-SwimTeam v1.4.573. It can be downloaded from this web site or from the WordPress plugin repository. The plugin auto-update will also update to this release. New and fixed in this release are:
- Fixed bug in Opt-In/Opt-Out e-mail confirmation which duplicated recipients.
- Fixed bug in handling Country when set to US Only.
- Added Club Profile initialization based on State or Province in Team Profile.
- Added E-mail confirmation for Job Assignments.
- Added Job Options tab on Options page to configuring Jobs module.
Make sure you visit the Job Options tab to configure your jobs module. There is still work to be done to report the number of credits a user has signed up for and to flag which users have not met the threshold. Hopefully that functionality will come in the next week or two.
Update: This release had a minor update due to a file missing from the WordPress plugin repository. The missing file prevented the Jobs Options tab from rendering. Other minor tweaks were also made to the Jobs Confirmation e-mails.