If you haven’t seen it yet, WordPress 2.7 changes the Admin interface again. While it seems many people don’t care for it, I like it a lot better than the existing interface. I don’t care for the terminology they used for the main headers on the side bar though.
I was on the road this week so spent some airplane time working on my wp-SwimTeam plugin and decided to see how it would work under WordPress 2.7. I have actually started moving my development around a bit and I think it will turn out to be a good thing. Yesterday and today I was running 2.7 under Linux with PHP 4.4.9. Last week I was running under Windows with PHP 5.2.6.
2.7 exposed a few things in my plugin which I have fixed but like I said, I am not happy with the new terminology being used. I had changed my implementation recently so the end user chose the Swim Team menu off the Users menu in the Dashboard and the Admin would choose Swim Team from the Manage menu. In 2.7, the Users menu doesn’t exist so there isn’t a logical place to put the functionality exposed to the end users. I’ll figure something out, in the meantime, there is plenty of work to do on the plugin itself.