Swim Team v1.42 is finally out

Yesterday I finally released Swim Team v1.42.  With almost 50 downloads of the beta and no problems reported, I figured it was as tested as it was going to get!  Some of the fixes and enhancements include:

  • Added checking and error messages for creation of temporary files used during export (CSV, HY3, SD3, RE1).
  • Added support for Event Number suffixes.
  • Added support for Transients as temporary storage when exporting data or generating reports.
  • Major change to how files are included to better support newer versions of PHP. The PHP include_path is no longer modified nor assumed.
  • Fixed bug in MyJobs which appears when no active season is designated.

Functionally this release is identical to v1.42-beta-8.  You can find the update in the WordPress plugin repository or as an update on your Dashboard.

Swim Team v1.42-beta-7 available

This evening I posted beta-7 of Swim Team v1.42.  This build addresses a problem reported earlier today.  This bug manifested itself when there isn’t an active season which would be the case when the plugin is first installed.  It is also possible to set all seasons inactive in which case, the same problem was present.

[download id=’14’]

Swim Team v1.42-beta-6 available

This morning I have posted a new build, v1.42 beta-6 of the Swim Team plugin.  This beta release makes a major change to how the plugin includes the various files the plugin uses.  Historically, Swim Team modified the PHP include_path as part of the initialization to include the paths where included files are expected.  In newer versions of PHP this seems to cause some problems for some users.

I have changed the plugin to eliminate the need to modify the PHP include_path however the process of doing so required touching almost 100 files within the plugin.  I have been through all of the menus and tabs and believe I found accounted for every file which included but there is always a chance I have missed something.

Please report any problems and I will do my best to fix it quickly.

wp-SwimTeam Beta (11660 downloads )

Email Users v4.6.10-beta-6 available

Email Users v4.6.10 beta-6 is now available.  This update addresses a bug report in the Email Users support forum where using the Omit Display Name option resulted in a malformed emailed header.

I am still looking for some help and/or feedback on Base64 encoding.

Email Users Beta (27557 downloads )

Email Users v4.6.10-beta-4 available

This morning I released beta-2 and very quickly afterward, because I found a bugs, beta-3, then beta-4 of Email Users v4.6.10.  This beta-4 build addresses a couple enhancements that were recently raised in the Support Forum.

  1. Templates – while not exactly templates per se, the Post/Page notification email will now allow the user to change the email subject and body content.  It will still be initially populated based on the default template.
  2. Hooks – there are now two hooks which other plugins and themes can use to modify the behavior of wp_mail().  The two hooks are mailusers_before_wp_mail and mailusers_after_wp_mail.  The primary use for this is to account for other plugins which modify the sender address.

Additionally, the Notification email process now has a preview of what the email will look like based on the current settings.  The preview will not reflect any changes made to the subject or email content until it is submitted.


Email Users Beta (27557 downloads )


Email Users v4.6.10-beta-1 available

This afternoon I released beta-1 of Email Users v4.6.10.  This build fixes a problem reported in the Support Forum today.  I will likely try and address some of the recent enhancement requests before making a formal release.  It is likely that most users would not have seen this problem unless their PHP error reporting level was more strict than typical settings.

Email Users Beta (27557 downloads )

Email Users 4.6.9 released

This morning I pushed out Email Users 4.6.9.  It contains a few fixes that I had been sitting on along with an updated German translation.

I had been delaying as I planned to incorporate a couple good suggestions which are on the support forum (e.g. hooks before an after sending mail) but I simply haven’t had the time to work on new features lately.  There is also good suggestion on limiting debug output to Admin users which I also plan to add.

I didn’t want to sit on the fixes I have made any longer so went ahead and released 4.6.9.  You can find the update on your Dashboard or in the WordPress plugin repository.  The only difference between the released version and the last beta is the German translation file and the version number.

Email Users v4.6.9-beta-1 available

I have just posted beta-1 of Email  Users v4.6.9. This build addresses an issue reported with template replacements not working correctly when using sender overrides.  Additionally, I have added support for blog and author template replacements in user and group emails.

Please report any issues you encounter.

Email Users Beta (27557 downloads )

Google Forms v0.70-beta-2 now available

I have uploaded beta-2 of Google Forms v0.70.  This build has one minor fix.  While minor, it is important to me.  This build fixes an issue when the Email Admin option is enabled but the Send To address is not specified.  By default the Blog Admin email address should be used in this situation however no mail was being sent at all.

Google Forms Beta (35889 downloads )